Chapter 23

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"Three are in your area, team Blue's Clues."

"That sounded so sexual," Quinn giggled at Kendall's instructions. "Yunno, like three pen-"

"Quinn, shut up." I said, trying to focus on picking the lock in front of me. "Got it." I whispered as it clicked open.

"Okay, I turned off the lasers and alarms in that room, you should be fine." Kendall was in the truck at Avery's old spot. She's the computer gal now, shutting down systems that she can and monitoring the rest of the space for guards. "Team Lookout, you have around ten patrols in your area. Be careful."

"Clear," Jesse said.

"Why didn't we do this earlier?" Logan questioned, sounding irritated that we haven't tried this type of plan before.

"Because, if we did it this way all those times before, we wouldn't have the element of surprise," I explained as Carson and I trudged through the endless, boring white hallways on the way to the Healers Clan Woo-Woo. It was dark in the basement of their headquarters, which just so happened to be a hospital.

So original.

"Turn left at the next hallway." Kendall squeaked, "invisible," at the last second and as we turned the corner I understood why. There were around fifteen guards here. I nearly stomped my foot like a child, there were not supposed to be this many people here. They were supposed to be trying to get us from the apartment.

"Riley make a protective wall around you guys so you can walk through without being heard or smelled," Kendall instructed shakily. She was nervous.

"Already did," I whispered even though I didn't need to. I could yell and even the little shits with super hearing wouldn't have a chance of knowing our position. "Telling us earlier would have been helpful."

"I know, I know," she said. "Just move before Carson's power drains. Don't bump into anyone."

"Obviously," I mumbled and Carson slapped my arm.

"Don't be rude."

I rolled my eyes and tugged him forward a little faster through the hallway lined with artificial looking douchebags with guns. "What's our next turn?"

"There isn't one." Kendall whispered.

"Shit," I hissed. "Really?"

"Yeah, it's the door at the back marked 'employees only'," she informed us. "I disarmed all of the alarms inside, all you have to do is pick open the door and get passed the guards again."

"How are we supposed to do this?" I whispered to myself.

Carson took out his bow and arrow and shot an invisible arrow, effectively hitting the light bulb that was lighting up the first half of the hallway.

"Jesus Carson," I mumbled and turned to pick at the lock. "Warn a person."

"Hurry up," he mumbled back as he watched the guards start to freak out about the Catalyst being here.

"How did they get in here?" The guards were shouting.

"Why haven't the alarms went off?"

"Somebody go to the door!"

"Fuck it!" I shouted and slammed my boot into the door, forcing it to open since the fucking lock picker was not working. "Carson! The other light!"

"But we won't-"

"Do it!" Kendall demanded, agreeing with me and finally the hallway went dark. I had abilities from the Darkness Clan that allowed me to see. I don't understand why the Clans couldn't come up with better names, I really don't. Carson gripped my shoulder as I ran into the room and slammed the door behind me.

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