Chapter Seven

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*Matthew's (Matt's) POV*

"Gabby, babby. What in the HELL happened!?" Gabby was sitting on the floor, in front of Izzy, in nothing but her bra and pajama bottoms. Izzy has a huge cut on her forehead, and Gabby is using her shirt to stop the blood flow. God damn it, Gabby!

"Ummmm... SHE STARTED IT!" She pointed to Izzy, who was a bit loopy from blood loss. I kneeled in front of Gabby, and gave her my shirt to wear while I fixed up Izzy's cut.

"Gabby, be mature, now what happened?" I looked at her expectantly, when Izzy started to talk.

"Gabs was just making jello with me, when she dropped some down her shirt, and she sighed, so I simply made a comme-"

"She IMMEDIATELY had to say, 'oh, sorry, does Matt not like stains in that area?' AND GESTURED TO MY FUCKING BOOBS! THAT IS NOT OKA-"

"IT WAS A SIMPLE JOKE! Anyhow... Gabs got all mad and grabbed a knife to freak me out, but then the ice maker turned on, which scared the shit out of her, and she threw the knife, and i-"

"I didn't throw it THAT hard, i just dropped it, and it happened to graze past her forehead!"

"So, yeah." By then, I was done fixing the wound, and I stood up, and motioned for Gabby to follow me downstairs while the others helped Izzy.

*Gabriella's (Gabs' or Gabby's) POV

Welp, I was in deep shit now. I followed Matt downstairs, and outside.

"Why are we out here? I told you what happened, it was an accident!" He shut me up by putting his finger to my lips and guiding me to the backyard, where my papa had his 'garden' of cacti. He sat down, with me in his lap, and began to talk.

"Baby, you gotta control yourself. and I know it's hard, and I know your stressed, but I'm here for you. And I think we both know that you have something other then this whole incident on your mind. So tell me. Its okay..." I took a deep breath and proceeded to explain my whole night terror to him, while he hugged me and tears poured from my eyes. By the time I was done, he was growing teary, too.

"It's okay, I'm here now, I'm here for you. You're my princess, and I could never give you up, not ever. And, well... I... I love you." He looked me in the eyes, anxiously waiting for my reply.

"I love you, too, Matt." I closed my eyes and we shared the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. By the time he pulled away, we were both panting. We stood up and headed to our room, but before he opened the door, he leaned into my ear and seductively whispered,

"And don't let me catch you taking off your shirt for anyone but me ever again." I blushed and giggled a little bit as we stepped into the room. It had been a long, loooong day. So, I just put on my sleep-wear (a bra, boy-short underwear, and one of Matt's T-shirts), and fell asleep in Matt's arms.

*Melissa's (Mel's) POV*

After I herd the story, I followed Gabs outside with Matt, and overheard their whole conversation. Wow, Matt was so... sensitive and loving towards her. He really does love her. Then they started walking towards their room, and I followed, just to make sure nothing suspicious happened.

Right before Matt opened their door, he whispered something to Gabs that made her blush. Then she giggled as they stepped inside and closed the door behind them. Wait... giggled? Woah.

Since Izzy was now staying with us, we had to change our sleeping arrangements. So, I sent Dori and Cam to get Matt and Gabs to wake up so we can figure it all out. They came back upstairs stifling laughter as Cam said,

"They where spooning... and lets just say Gabs outfit was not one Mel would agree with, nor was Matts." I was going to go down and give them a piece of my mind, but decided it could wait till morning. We decided that Izzy would share with Dori, and I would share with Cam.

On my way to our bed-couch-thing, Cam came over and muttered,

"Maybe you should borrow that outfit of Gabs' sometime, it would suit you." I blushed as he wiggled his eyebrows and we got into the bed, with a wall of pillows between us. I know its foolish and immature, but I hope that, soon, that wall will come down.

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