Chapter 6

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*Isabelle's (Izzie's) POV* (new character!!!!!)

I was looking through old photo albums when I saw a picture that really brought back memories...


Me and Gabs were in band, it was the day before pie day, so we did an activity where we had to say different words like 'pie, apple, coconut, straberry...' anyways, Gabs did it perfectly and got a peep. Lucky!

"IZ! IZZY!? ARE YOU JELOUS!?" Ugh, here we go. She's always ranting.


"I have an idea! Why don't we take pretty pictures?" i interrupted her, and she easily agreed (she's a bit... slow). we took selfies and as soon as Gabs saw her face, she cringed and we got the best picture ever!


Ah... those were the good days. I put the album into its box and closed it. I was moving to college today, and I hadn't seen Gabs since a month ago when she visited over the weekend, I decide ill go visit her and Mel after I get settled into my new dorm room. Then the phone rang...

*phone call* I=Izzy M=Matt
I- "hello?"

M-"Izzy! Its...*sobs* Its Gabs!"

I- "Stay right there! Im coming!"

*end of call*

I grabbed my bag and went to the place that the caller id said the call came from. A hospital... in Vegas...? (This is before Gabs wakes up, its right after Matt wakes up to Gabs screaming).

*Melissa's (Mel's) POV* (back to present)

We were all in the waiting room, except Matt, the doctors had to check her vitals before she could leave. Then Gabs old friend ran into the room, freaking out. Izzy.

"OMG IS GABS OKAY WHAT HAPPENED OM-" she was interrupted by the sound of wheels as Gabs entered the room, being pushed in a wheelchair by Matt.

"Iz, shes okay. Shes right here, sleeping soundly." Matt gestured to Gabs as Izzy ran over and gave her a hug, waking her up.

"Ugh... five more minutesss... WAIT! Izzy!? OMG I HAVNT SEEN YOU SINCE LIKE A MONTH OR SOMETHING!" Gabs screamed and hugged her as Izzy let out a sigh of relief.


Back at her grandparents house, this time with Izzy, Gabs got up and immediately started moving around, as if nothing had happened!

"Hey, Gabs, slow down, or your gonna trip and we'll be back where we started!" Gabs just stuck out her tongue at me and ran into the kitchen to help Cam and Dori make jello. Now it was just me, Matt, and Izzy in the room.

Izzy then stood up, "I can feel the tension in the room, so I'm just gonna go help make the jello, uh, bye!" Then she ran out of the room while I glared at Matt and he looked everywhere, except at me.

"You know, I never approved of you, Matt. You where always getting in trouble, doing dangerous stunts, telling Gabs she looks 'cute' in her slutty-club-outfits. But I understand that Gabs cares about you, and that it's her life, but i'm worried. You need to learn to take control of your life and get your shit together, because Gabs is falling apart, so you need to be the glue that keeps her together, because I cant do it all on my own an-"

"Mel, i know. Trust me, I know. I want to be better, but what if Gabby- I mean Gabs, doesn't like the 'rational me'? Then what? I- I, I love her, Mel. I cant loose her." Woah, did Matt just talk through his... feelings?


"Owww, GABBY!!!"


"Why, Matt calls you that all the time!"


Holy shit, whats going on in the kitchen!?

"Uhh, Matt-" but he was already walking through the door, so I followed. And the scene we saw was anything but pretty.

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