Chapter Five

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*Matthew's (Matt's) POV*

I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, i'd had a long day, and I could use a good night's rest...

I woke up what felt like mere minutes later by a scream piercing the air. I glanced at the clock, it was 4 AM! I then looked down at Gabby to see her shaking and sobbing in her sleep.

"Gabs... Babby, wake up... Gabby...?" She wasn't answering, when she suddenly screamed again and started kicking and punching at something. I shook her and yelled,

"GABBY, WAKE UP! ITS JUST A DREAM! WAKE UP!" She wouldn't wake up, so i started panicking, and soon everyone was in our room trying to wake her.

I was sobbing along with her now. We took her to a near by hospital and they said it was a 'night terror', so we couldn't wake her up. We just had to wait.

"NO MEL!" She was screaming again, when she suddenly started choking. It was like someone was keeping air from entering her lungs. Shit.

"NURSE! NURSE!" The nurses and doctors came and hustled me out of the room, to the others in the waiting room, where Dori hugged me with open arms. She told me soothing words about how Gabs was a fighter and she'd be fine, and eventually, I was out like a light.

*Dori's POV*

I hugged Matt when he came out of her room, with silent tears going down all of our faces. I laid him down across a couple chairs and he soon fell asleep. As for the rest of us, well, we got to enjoy the pain of hearing our friend's screams and cries of pain and terror and sorrow from across the hall.

"MEL PLEASE! No..." Mel stood up and started screaming back at Gabs, even though she knows she can't hear us.

"GABS, ITS OKAY, IM HERE! IM HERE FOR YOU GABS! FOREVER AnD always..." she sobbed once more and collapsed back into her seat, as we both cried together.

After about an hour, we all went into her room to visit her. she'd had a panic attack during the dream and was now on life support. Matt kissed her quietly and whispered,

"My little princess..." before silent tear started streaming down his face. But unfortuantely, the fairy tale ending where prince charming wakes his princess, did not come.

Next, me and Mel walked up to her and we each held one of her hands, when i remembered something. So i started to

"I dreamed a dream in time gone by..."
Mel looked up at me as we both cried, and she continued.

"When hope was high, and life worth
Living..." then i joined her, as we both sang...

"I dreamed that love would never die,

I dreamed that God would be forgiving...

When i was young, and unafriad,

When dreams were made, and used, and wasted...

There was no ransom to be paid,

No song unsung, no wine untasted...

But the tigers come at night,

With their voices soft as thunder,

As they tear your dreams apart,

As they turn you dreams to shame...

And still I dream, one day she'll find me,

That we will live the years together,

But there are dreams that cannot be...

There are storms we cannot weather,

And life has killed that dream I dreamed..."

I looked down at Gabs and tucked a piece of her wild curly-blue hair behind her ear as I held Mel close while we sobbed together. Then, a miracle...

*Gabriella's (Gabs') POV*

I couldn't move or see or talk or breathe or anything. All there was was black. But I could hear. And what i heard killed me a little bit inside, even if i might already be dead. What I heard was my inspiration song that i sang whenever me or a friend was sad about something...

I dreamed a dream ...

They remembered. I had to get back to them. To see them to talk to them to cry and laugh with them. I needed to get back to my vacation in Vegas. Not the one that I'm currently having, but the vacation i had planned to enjoy. So, i opened my eyes, took a deep breath, and said,

"I dreamed... a dream... that i'd... see you all... again..."

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