BAC > 0.5

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July 1, 2007
— Emily's POV
It's been a few weeks since our case in New Orleans and I've not heard a peep about that Will guy. Maybe I got lucky and Jennifer never gave him her number. Or maybe he gave her his and she never called him. Or maybe he's a complete dick and he has her number and he's not doing anything about it which would mean he clearly has no idea how good he'd have it if she was his girlfriend. Anyway. For now I'm just focusing on work. That's my new tactic. Focus on work and not Jennifer. Oh but that's so hard when she's walking right towards my desk in a skintight dress...

"Hey, Em!"

"Hi, Jennifer." She waved at me as she skipped by my cube and headed up to Hotch's office. Jennifer was often very smiley at work but it seemed she was extra bubbly today. I hoped it wasn't because of Will but who am I kidding it probably was. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost 4:00, so I decided to pay a visit to Garcia before the day ended. "Penelope? It's Em," I knocked on her door and awaited a granted entrance. She let me in and I shut the door behind me before taking a seat on her desk.

"What's up, Morticia?"

"I need something fun after work today. Some relief. I've just been having a shitty few weeks so... girls' night? Maybe?"

Her eyes lit up, "You're crazy if you think I'll say no to a girls' night! Is JJ invited or did you come in here to ask because it's some kind of secret thing?"

"No she can come. She just walked into Hotch's office so I figured I'd come in here and talk to you first since you were available."

"Peachy." Garcia reached down and pinged JJ on her pager, beckoning her to where we were. She walked in about a minute later.

"What's going on you guys?" She asked she shut closed the door.

Garcia smiled and bounced up and down, "Em wants to have a girls' night! My place. 8:00. Whatdya say?"

She winced, "Actually I uh, I can't tonight. I was just telling Hotch this, I'm taking the next two days off."

I scrunched my brows, "Why? Is everything okay?"

"Yep. Just going out of town for a couple days. Some 'me time' is much needed right now."

Garcia looked up at me, "Looks like it's just you and me, cowboy."

I shrugged, "Seems to be." The probing with Jennifer isn't done quite yet. "Whatcha gonna do, Jen?"

"Just relaxing. You know... clearing my head and enjoying some time alone."


"Yep. Alone. All alone. No one else." Garcia and I suspiciously looked at each other. JJ sighed and smiled, "Anyways I gotta head out. My flight leaves tonight and I have to stop home first. Thanks for the invite though!" She waved to us with another intensely bubbly smile and then scurried off.

As soon as the door shut I looked at Pen, "Where's she going?"

"My thoughts exactly." Garcia spun around in her office chair and started tapping the keys of her keyboard; I watched over her shoulder as she hacked into Jennifer's flight registry. "Huh... She's going to New Orleans?" Fuck. Fuck fuckity fuck.

"Damn it."

"What is it? Do you know why she's going there?"

I lied through my teeth, "No. No idea." I knew exactly why: Will. She's going for some dick. Literally and figuratively.

Several hours later
— Garcia's POV
I'm starting to get really worried about Emily. She's had three beers tonight, a glass of wine, and so many shots that I've lost count. "Em, I-I really think you should stop now."

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