Fried Rice and Therapy

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TW! mentions of sexual assault and vomiting

August 18, 2007
— Emily's POV
My bones cracked as I stretched back in my desk chair once the clock read 5:30. I almost always finish my usual caseload right around 5:30. JJ stays late decently often, and I made my daily journey down to her office to find out if tonight would be one of those nights. Knock, knock knock.

I heard her muffled, "Come in," on the other side of the door.

I leaned in as I cracked the door open, "It's me. Are you staying late tonight?"

"No, baby, I'm outta here. I rode with Garcia this morning. Can I hitch a ride home with you?"

"Sure. You wanna stay at my place tonight?"

She slumped, "Mmm, I kinda miss my bed." I nodded and looked down, visibly defeated. JJ chuckled and reasoned, "Don't look so sad, Em. Wanna stay at mine?"

I smiled, "Ooh yea! I love staying at your apartment."

JJ giggled as she packed up her purse, "Really? Why?"

"It's so cozy, and everything reminds me of you."

She smiled, "That's so cute."

"Plus, when I'm in your apartment, it almost definitely means I'm with you. Sometimes you're not there when I'm in my place, and I hate being alone."

As JJ grabbed her coat, she meticulously said, "I don't wanna open up this conversation too much right now, but we're open to like... moving in with each other at some point, right?"

"Oh yeah, Jayje, we'll get there. We'll talk about it more seriously another time."

"Cool. What car did you take today?" We stepped outside and headed for the elevator after JJ locked her office door.

"The Audi."

"Ughhh, my favorite. Can we pick up food?" We stepped off the elevator into the parking garage, JJ's arm wrapped around mine and her head against my shoulder.

"Chinese food?"

"I'm down." By 6:00, we were drifting down Richmond Highway on our way back to D.C. We stopped at our favorite Chinese takeout place and picked up a few boxes of food before finally heading for JJ's place. It's true what I said: I love staying the night at JJ's apartment. It was just so overwhelmingly her that I can't help but feel total happiness as soon as I step in the door. JJ unlocked her door in front of me and let me in behind her. I kicked off my boots and set them on her shoe mat before padding over to the kitchen. All five boxes of our Chinese food were assembled on the counter as JJ spoke up, "Do you mind if we just eat out of the containers? In bed? I'm really tired."

"I don't mind, babe. You go get settled and changed; I'll get everything together."

JJ relaxed a little and smiled, "Yes, sir." She picked up her heels and walked into her bedroom; meanwhile, I made a nice tray to eat everything in bed. I know JJ preferred to use a fork instead of chopsticks (she'll tell you it's just her preference, but I know it's because she doesn't know how to use chopsticks), so I got her some cutlery and myself a pair of chopsticks. I grabbed her a can of Diet Coke out of the fridge and fixed a cocktail for myself. Listen, it's been a long day. She called out from the bedroom, "Baby, I'm changed. Do you need any help?"

"I'm set. I'll be right there." I shucked off my blazer and draped it over JJ's couch, leaving me in a simple black tee. I brought the food tray into her room and set it on her bed.

She furrowed her brow at my glass, "Is that a Manhattan?"

"Yeah, long day. Don't judge."

"Not judging. I might ask for a sip if we're being honest."

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