1. Welcome to Italy (Sunny)

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    I'm squeezing Em's hand and staring out the airplane window, although, all I see is an endless sea of puffy, white clouds. The soft music from my earphones muffles the steady hum of the aircraft engine and I only feel the slight shaking from time to time. The coffee in the cup, placed on the small tray table in front of me, is already cold and I don't really feel like eating the smoked turkey sandwich I ordered an hour and a half ago. The view was too captivating to think about food, before the clouds hid everything.

   I saw my new town, shrinking and fading away bellow us. My heart flipped when I realized that I could recognize the streets and the buildings. Em was smiling softly while I was pulling on his sleeve, pointing to the University, the Central Cathedral and even our beach. I was so proud of myself. I live there. It's my home.

   My attention was captured then by the outlines of the mountains and forests while we were passing over the Balkan Peninsula.

   "Can we visit every single country?" I was gushing the entire time with my nose glued to the plexiglass. "We'll choose a route for the summer and go to every interesting place. You'll tell me everything you know about them and we'll read the tourist guides and buy piles of pretty souvenirs."

   "You've got it, sweet kitten," he chuckled. "I doubt we can tour them all for a summer, but we can start with Greece, Montenegro and Croatia and see where it goes. You'll fall in love with them."

   The small islands and the beautiful cost line finally appeared when we flew over the Adriatic sea. I couldn't stop marveling at the crystal blue color, same as Em's eyes.

   I was curious, "What is the distance we're crossing?"

   "Almost one thousand four hundred kilometers," he explained. "The flight is only a little over two hours. It's nothing compared to your journey from Japan, Kitty."

   I am sure I was terribly annoying, but Em responded to every question I asked with a big grin, stealing a kiss for every answer.

   "Are you sure it's fine to stay at your nona's house? Maybe, it's better to find a hotel. I don't want to intrude," I kept babbling.

   "Well, she'll strangle me if I only try to mention the idea, sooo... No! We're staying with her, although," he started smirking, "considering how you can't keep quiet at all, a sheltered, small hotel, somewhere in the hills, doesn't sound so bad."

   "Em!" I squeaked. "We'll behave decently! It won't be so hard for few days."

   "Hmm, we know that 'it' is always very hard, so I doubt it. You say this every time, my crimson, Japanese peach," he winked, "but it wasn't me in that restaurant who shove a hand in my pa..."

   Thanks God that my glare stopped him on time. Jamie, who's sitting next to him, was already all ears.

   "Don't worry," Em added, leaning closer to my ear. "I've thought about everything. There's a perfect place for us. You'll be free to...well... express yourself... as much as you want." My reproachful stare only made him smirk more.

   The ding of the communication system suddenly pulls me out of my blissful daze.

   "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will land in fifteen minutes. Welcome to Bologna International Airport Guglielmo Marconi. The local time is 13:00. The outside temperature is 15 degree Celsius. Please, remain with your seat-belts fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete halt and the sign is switched off. Thank you and have a good day!"

   The announcement is being repeated a second time in Italian and this instantly makes me so excited that I start bouncing on my seat, looking at Em with shining eyes. He places a sweet kiss on my lips and hands me a chewing gum.

   "Chew as energetically as you can," he urges me. "The descent can be a bit sharp. This will counter the difference in air pressure and help you to avoid your ears popping."

   The flight attendants clear the tables and check everything while the first sights of Italy appear before my wide eyes. We swerve over the lush fields and groves, surrounding the bright-colored, terracotta houses of Emilia-Romagna. There are so much greenery and open spaces, filled with vibrant, warm colors.

   "Welcome to Italy, love!" Em smiles. "Ti amo, Tesorino!" (I love you, Little Treasure!)

   Thousand of butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. Never have I ever dreamed of experiencing this crazy, indescribable, all-consuming feeling of happiness. I peek between the backrests to meet Emma's sparkling eyes. Her face is glowing with excitement. She blows me a kiss just before we feel the bump when the landing gear touches the asphalt lane.

   All passengers start to clap enthusiastically, praising the safe landing, excluding me. I just throw myself on Em's neck and lose myself in the softness of his lips.


Photo 132557151 © Lukas Gojda |Dreamstime.com


My dear friends, I'm so happy to finally welcome you in the first chapter of My Italian Adventure. 💗💗💗

I hope it will be exciting, captivating and full of surprises.

We'll start slowly with a chapter a week and see how it goes. 😀

Did you miss Sunny and Em?

This time we'll have chapters from everyone's POV and much more Em's. What do you think?

Share your thoughts, ask questions and criticize, if you think it's necessary.

Don't forget to vote, if you liked the story.

Love: Anny 

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