3. About Italian Grannies (Sunny)

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   We have finally loaded all the luggage in the trunk. Em is jingling the car keys, looking invitingly at Lucky who immediately pouts.

   "No! Why it's always me driving?" he grumbles, hiding behind my best friend's back. "I refuse! I'm sitting in the back with Emma. Tell him, Pumpkin!"

   "Baby boo is sitting with me," she immediately states, squinting at my boyfriend. Em is a little taken aback, but still opens his mouth to dispute.

   "I prefer to sit in the front," I quickly squeak, giving him no opportunity to start one of the endless arguments with Lucky that we have been forced to witness too often lately. The two seem to be in a tacit, pointless competition over who is a better boyfriend, which often goes to extremes. Emma, of course, not only doesn't help to avoid these situations, but obviously finds them very entertaining. Her wide grin leaves no doubts about it. 

   "Oh, ok then," Em beams at me. "I'll drive."

   "Does anyone happen to care where I want to sit?" Jamie mutters.

   "No!" Em and Lucky retort simultaneously.

   "I wish I could say I was surprised," he snorts.

   We leave the airport area and take on the highway. Em turns on the radio. The Italian music booms in the car. The song is rich and thrilling.

   "I love Eros Ramazzotti!" Emma yells. "He is mom's favorite performer."

   "Everyone loves Eros Ramazzotti," Em chuckles. "This is 'Cose Della Vita', his duet with Tina Turner! Come on, guys! We all know the lyrics."

   Suddenly, all four start singing along to the top of their lungs, almost silencing the radio. 

'Yes, you know it's true

I just can't stop thinking of you.

Questa notte che passa piano accanto a me

Cerco di affrontarla, afferrarla...'*

   They know both the Italian and the English part of the bilingual song. Since I don't know it, I'm just humming, giggling and clapping my hands. This is the best trip ever.

   "Look," I scream, pointing to the grass areas in the middle of the roundabout interchanges. Wild pheasants with beautiful plumage are strolling leisurely, undisturbed by the heavy traffic nearby. I can't wait to see the rabbits Em told me about.

   The car finally leaves the highway and we dive into a net of picturesque, narrow district roads, winding among the hills. We are passing through pretty villages with beautiful houses in warm shades of ocher and terracotta with olive and brown window shutters, surrounded by enormous, century old trees, golden fields, neat vineyards and orchards and impressive castles and churches. Cozy, small trattorias are welcoming their visitors on both sides of the road. 

   "We're close, kitty," Em ruffles my hair. "Are you ready to meet signora Julia?"

   "Mhm," I nod hesitantly. 

   "What? Are you nervous, cutie?" he smirks. "Have you ever met someone who doesn't like you? She'll fall in love with you at first sight."

   "Oh, my God! I can't wait to see Julia," Jamie sighs. "I adore this woman."

   "I am sure she's really nice," I mumble. I honestly believe she is, perhaps a sweet, motherly lady who is crazy about her grandson and his friends, and hopefully his boyfriend. She'll stuff us with food and interrogate us about school, how we met and if we sleep and eat enough. 

   We turn into a secluded alley, hidden between two rows of huge beech trees. It leads to a wide parking lot in front of a huge, two-storey, apricot colored house in the typical Emilia-Romagna style. We all get out of the car and walk around it, finding ourselves on an vast, perfectly maintained lawn. There's a green, pyramid cabana in the middle, surrounded by lush olive trees and banana palms, shading a wicker, dining, fire pit table with classy sectional sofas set. 

   "Nonna, dove sei? Abbiamo fame," Em yells. (Grandma, where are you? We are hungry.)

   "Stop screaming, dumbass!" Jamie hisses. "I wonder how she ever puts up with your..." He suddenly falls silent, staring at the bed of roses in the far end of the garden. His cheeks are visibly turning pink. 

   "Breathe Romeo! This is a big no no!" Lucky sneers. 

   I follow his gaze and my eyes widen. An elder, female, stunning version of Em is  walking gracefully towards us in black, skinny jeans and a loose, white blouse. How she is able to step on the white gravel pathway and then on the thick grass with her five inch heels is beyond me. The smile on her face is shining like the sun and she even has the same dimples. Now I understand where Em has inherited his exquisite appearance from. 

   She flips charmingly her long, shiny, raven hair, tucking it behind her ear and opens wide her arms, "Angioletti! Aspetto i miei abbracci!" (Little angels! I'm waiting for my hugs!)

   Our three, more than six feet tall, tattooed companions rush at her like a litter of puppies. If they had tails, I'm sure, they'd be wagging them. Emma and I exchange astonished glances and burst into giggles.

   After a good amount of kisses and hugs, Julia finally starts waving them away, laughing loudly, "Basta! Mamma mia!" (Enough! My goodness!). Her gaze falls on us and she claps her hands, "Non mi dire! Madonna!(Don't tell me! Wow!) These are Sunny and Emma! You, mischiefs, don't deserve such sweethearts, for sure."

   She opens her arms again, beaming at us and both me and Emma throw ourselves in her embrace without a hint of hesitation.


*Tina Turner feat. Eros Ramazzotti - 'Cose Della Vita', the bilingual Italian-English version, released in 1997

Photo 125533268 © Freesurf69 |Dreamstime.com

Photo 141911033 © Mark Winfrey | Dreamstime.com

Photo 226014565 © Benzoix | Dreamstime.com


Hello everyone at the end of chapter three. ❤❤❤

Thank you so much for all the support for my newest story.

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Love: Anny 

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