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Day 1 With No Memory
Karl POV.

A rush of colorful light surpasses me as I make my way through the portal. Stepping outside of it I entered an entirely white castle. Marble columns towered over me in two rows marking a path. I start walking through what seemed like endless columns until I got to what I assumed to be the courtyard.

A white fountain spewed water as the air went still. Glancing down from the fountain I noticed several people just walking around, not communicating with each other, and all wearing a similar outfit to my own, only in black and white. I caught a glimpse of what one of their faces looked like, and it was me.

All of them were me. Their eyes were gloss d over and they looked miserable, like they had their souls sucked out of them.

The one I made eye contact started walking towards me like and Enderman would when you look it in the eye, but only less violent. Soon every other carbon copy of myself was walking towards me sluggishly. I was terrified, I couldn't move from where I stood and I was soon drowned my copies of my self.

Then I woke up, screaming.

I looked around to see where I was and I couldn't recognize where I was at. My heart started racing and my hands started to shake. I looked around for anything that could help tell me where I was. But more importantly, who was I?

I leapt from my bed and ran to the mirror that sat near the door to the room, my escape if anything bad happened. I looked at myself in the mirror trying to find out who I was and where I was at.

Standing in the dark wasn't doing me much of a favor though since I could barely even see the outline of my own face. My shaking hands moved to the opposite arm and started scratching. I couldn't remember who I was. Tears formed in my eyes as I stood in the dark in front of a mirror. My legs shook as I started sobbing, eventually giving out.

I tried so hard over and over again to remember anything, it wouldn't work. My ears started ringing and am evil in-audible voice started mumbling in my skull. My hands flew up to my ears and I rocked myself back and forth and begged for it all to stop. I wanted my memory back. I wanted to look at myself and not see the dark. I want to to know where I'm at and who I am.

I just want to remember.

"Karl?" A quiet groggily voice said from back where the bed was. I opened my eyes and turned to see the silhouette of a person sitting up in the bed. I screeched and made a run for it. The person got up and ran after me, calling the same name over and over again. Karl. Is that me?

I didn't care enough to turn my head around to acknowledge him and kept running throughout the house trying to find the exit. I kept running throughout empty corridors and barging through doors until I made it outside. I started running faster and didn't notice it when a tree root was right underneath me foot. I tripped and fell right on my face. Everything hurt. I wanted away, away from the stranger who was supposedly laying in bed with me.

I was crawling away from him as I sobbed. Soon, I felt hands on my waist as I was picked up. I started thrashing and screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to get away from him, I didn't know who he was and I didn't want to.

"Karl!" The man shouted. "Karl what are you doing? You're scaring me." I looked around to see if he was taking to anybody else, no one was there. So Karl, that's my name. My breathing started going back to normal before the man put me down by a tree, the same one that tripped me.

"Karl what happened?" The man looked like he hadn't slept in days, his black hair was a mess and had dark purple bags under his eyes and what looked suspiciously like tear tracks on his cheeks. "I don't know." I replied. "I don't know who I am or where I am, I don't know who you are and I can't see anything cause it's so dark and," and I started again.

The man gave me a heartbreaking look before he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm Sapnap. You're Karl Jacobs and we're in Kinoko Kingdom right now. You're safe. Okay? Wanna go back to sleep?" The man- Sapnap Asked. I waited a second, processing the information before nodding me head in response. Sapnap nodded and gave me his hand and we walked slowly back to the room I had run from.

"I can turn on a small light for you if you'd like it to not be so dark." He suggested as he stood awkwardly next to the door. I nodded my head again and he got out a lamp and clicked it once so it was dim. He looked back at me and gave a small smile, I just gave him a blank stare in return

"Do you want to share a bed again, if not I can just sleep on the floor since your memories not all there right now?" He asked. I didn't want to say anything to upset him, but I also didn't want to share a bed with him at the moment. "I'll just sleep on the floor, you can get in bed and I'll be right under the window if you need me." He explained. I nodded my head before quietly getting into the bed.

The man returned with a blanket from the small closet opposite to the mirror, and grabbed his pillow from the bed and laid it on the floor. He lay down and turned his head to seep me. "Goodnight Karl."

Word count: 1021

Imagine Karl but in the Strawberry Dress

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