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Day 39 With No Memory
Sapnap POV.

It was so much worse now. Karl's eyes had gotten even more grey and dead looking, barely even able to comprehend anything. Earlier he pointed at his rings and asked me what they were. And when I told him hey were rings, he took them off. Granite, about fifty seconds later he put them right back on but still.

And my parents just made everything worse as well. Bad once tried to talk to Karl but Karl just ended up locking himself in the bathroom and not opening the door until he was tired of sleeping on the floor. Skeppy stayed out of the way mostly, just coming in to check up on me and see how I was. And I'm terrible. I haven't gotten more than thirty minutes of sleep at most, in weeks.

Today was really bad, my parents left to go and gather food for us while Karl was locked in the bathroom sobbing and scratching at himself again. "Karl please open the door I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered as to not make my own sobs present. "I don' know who or what that is! Go away!" He yelled back choking on his own sobs. "Karl please, I promise you're safe." I let my forehead rest on the door as I fell to my knees. "Open the door," I whispered before letting my own sobs go.

So many things swirled around in my head at the moment. Like maybe I deserved this, maybe Karl forgetting and Quackity being gone is just karma for being Dreams friend. I mean after everything I've done to everybody on the server maybe I deserved to be alone and have my lovers gone.

It was just the two of us sobbing on our own sides of the door until I heard a giant this from the other side. "Karl!" I yelled, my voice cracking. "Karl are you okay? Karl please respond, please!" I was banging my fist against the door and screaming at the top of my lungs as tears still fell from my eyes. No response. "Karl, I'm gonna break down the door. Please move if you're in front of it I don't wanna hurt you."

I then ran to the armory where I grabbed an axe out of one of the chess and took it back to the door. "Karl I have an axe. Move from the door I really don't wanna hurt you bubs." The axe shifted in my hands before I griped it tightly and swing it at the door. Again and again until there was a hole big enough for me to fit my arm through to get to the lock.

I unlocked the door to see a wide eyed Karl laying on the ground in complete shock. His eyes were a worrying dull grey color. "Karl!" I exclaimed as I fell to the floor to check for a pulse. I put my head against his chest, it was there, very light and stagnant, but there. I picked Karl up and maneuvered him to my back where his head fell close near my neck and he was freezing.

And I did the first thing I thought of, I ran to find Quackity. He was in his new country 'Las Nevadas' and it was in the desert near the snow lands. Maybe he would understand and help with Karl. Maybe Quackity leaving caused this, maybe he didn't. All I could think about right now though is Karl's safety.

Minutes and hours passed by as my pace slowed down. I had given Karl my hoodie with the flame emblem on it so he wouldn't get hypothermia. If I could get him to Las Nevadas and survive that's all that mattered, cause maybe Q will take better care of him than me. Maybe he'll actually help Karl instead of make everything else worse.

Time passed by quicker and it was suddenly night. I was yelling for anybody. Quackity, Sam, Quackitys father, or anyone who should possibly be out here this late at night. Even more time went by and the moon was high in the sky and the stars shown brightly. My voice was hoarse and I couldn't speak anymore without it hurting immensely. My back hurt like hell due to Karl being on it for several hours and me running for that long, but I didn't care anymore. He was still breathing and that's all that mattered.

I climbed to the top of one of the many sand dunes and I saw lights in the distance. As I came closer, starting to pick up my pace to a jog, the lights became brighter and a city more apparent. I ran to find a man sitting by the huge sign which read "Welcome To Las Nevadas".

The man looked at me, he had green gloopy hair and skin, almost resembling a slime mob. "Hello Sapnap of the Nether." He said as he grinned, holding out his hand for me. How he knew my name and where I was from, couldn't say. "Where's Quackity?" I asked in a hushed tone. The slime leaned in to hear what I said and nodded his head. "He's in the main building. I'll bring you to Sam of Dream SMP."

I didn't really want to see Sam. God knew that he was just going to kill me on the spot. I won't say that wouldn't deserve it for what we did, but Karl was supposed to tell Quackity. I followed the slime until he brought me to a large building where the creeper man stood outside in full enchanted netherite armor. "Sam of Dream SMP this is Sapnap of the anther and," he looked at my back where Karl was and gave a look of confusion. "Karl of, everywhere." He took a rather long pause before saying the final word. Karl was from the SMP, or Kinoko Kingdom. Why if he was from those places, why did he say everywhere?

I brushed off that thought and turned my attention to Sam who stood in front of me looking angry. "What do you want Sapnap?" "Q." I replied, my voice still quiet. "What?" "Quackity, I need Quackity." I said even louder, my throat was not going to thank me for that. "Why do you need to see my son? To hurt him again?" I shook my head, my dark hair falling into my eyes. "It's Karl, he needs help." Sam looked at the man on my back and his expression faltered. "I'll go see what I can do." He said as he turned into the building to hopefully talk to Quackity.

Sam POV.

I was reluctant to let them see or even speak to Quackity. For the past several weeks he's said that he hates them, but I know he doesn't. I didn't really like Sapnap, not my kind of person to wanna be around. But Quack loved him so I dealt with it. But Karl was the one I always liked. I babysat a lot for Puffy when he was younger, along with his siblings. Karl was always my favorite out of the three boys though. He was quiet and only went crazy when his friends were around. And seeing him like that, laying on Sapnaps back, looking dead, it hurt. So I gave in.

I knocked my fist against the door and Quack told me to come in. "What do you want?" He asked, he looked like shit, he definitely hadn't slept in a while. "Sapnap and Karl are in the front." I said. "Why should I care about them? They left me alone." He twirled a card and watched at it gracefully fell on his desk. "Karl looks like he's dying and Sapnap brought him here, he seems genuinely worried. Q, I think you should let them in, let them stay for a bit. At least make sure Karl doesn't die, or Sapnap." I pleaded on the two mens behalf.

He just looked up at me, eyes full of worry, his body language not changing though. "Fine. Put them in the far west wing. I don't wanna see them." He said almost in annoyance. I nodded my head in return and walked out the door and back out front to where Slime and the other two were.

When I arrived back Sap looked at me with his saddened eyes. "He said you could stay, so follow me. You'll be staying in the far west wing." Sap nodded and shifted Karl on his back before following me into the building.

Sapnap POV.

It was dark in here, the only lights coming from small ones in the corners or the reflection of the machines on the floor. I followed Sam throughout the building and into and elevator. The ride up was uncomfortable with silence. I turned my head a bit so I could see Karl, he looked so cold, and I felt the same way.

We got out fo the elevator and followed Sam down several hallways before he stopped in front of two dark oak wood doors. "This is you're room for the next bit. If at any point Wuackity doesn't want you in here, we will remove you, forcefully if we have to, got it?" The older asked. I nodded my head and Sam opened the door allowing me to walk in with Karl before he shut the door.

There was a bed on the wall perpendicular to the door, right in front of it a couch and in front of that a fireplace. I carefully put Karl on the ground, grabbing a pillow from the bed to support his head and several blankets from the chest and putting it all on top of him in hopes he wouldn't die.

I moved to the couch and sat down. My feet hurt like hell. I looked down at Karl, color slowly starting to return to his face. His eyes still the dull grey. I looked down at my hands and saw that the tips of them were a blueish color. I got up again and grabbed a blanket and pillow from the bed and threw it onto the couch.

I took one last look at my lover. He was alive. I was alive. And Quackity let us in. That's all that matters at the moment. I lay my head down on the pillow and for the first time in weeks I slept for more than an hour.

Word count: 1756

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