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Day 26 With No Memory
Sapnap POV.

It's been a few weeks now since that night. Karl has his better days and his bad ones, Wednesday he remembered my name and I almost cried. He looked so proud of himself only to wake up the next morning without the slightest clue about anything.

It hurts to see this, to know someone and they don't even know themselves anymore. The worst days are the ones where he asks about his rings, even though he hasn't the clue why he has them, he never takes them off. Told me one time he felt like they were from someone special.

And I've never told him who gave him the rings either. Quackity gave them to us, proposed in the same field that Karl's taken a liking to, says he likes looking at our home from awhile away cause he likes how small it looks. I haven't even told him about Quackity. I didn't want the pressure of forgetting your fiancé, the one who gave him his rings he loves so much, it would just break his heart. And I don't want Karl to be even more sad than he already is.

There was a knock at the bedroom door, "Come in," I said, assuming it was just Karl. Instead it was my parents. "Karl was sitting in the living room when we came in and asked who we were. Is he okay Pandas?" Bad Asked, he hears Dream call me that name one time when we were seven and now it's just my name to him. But I couldn't bring myself to correct or get mad at him this time. I didn't have the energy.

"He's forgotten everything." I muttered. Skeppy frowned as Bad walked over and hugged me. "He won't remember anything, even if you told him it two seconds prior, nothing." He pulled away, hands still grasping on my arms as he loonies into my eyes. "Why didn't you tell us sooner. We would've come and helped with everything. Ever since Dream was convicted you've been a mess. And I'm assuming dealing with all of the stress with Karl isn't helping that either. You should've told us."

I felt tears form in my eyes, not now, god please not now. "I know," I mumbled, "but I didn't think of it at the time. I'm sorry." "Don't be," Skeppy said as he sat beside me, "we're here now, for you both." I nodded my head and tried to blink my tears away.

"How much have you told him?" Skeppy Asked. "All he knows, or what I tell him, is his name, my name, Kinoko Kingdoms name, and that his rings are from someone who loved him. He talks about the rings a lot. It hurts." Bads grasp on my arms tightened as I mentioned the rings, he was never a big fan of Q. Especially not after what happed the night prior to everything when he left.

"So nothing about his brothers or his mom? Not even Quackity's existence?" Bad Asked me. I shook my head. "Look, I know that you didn't like Q that much when he was still here with us. But could you at least try and not sound so happy to know our fiancé doesn't even remember him?" I asked, my voice crescendoing as it went on. "I didn't tell him because I didn't want him to feel bad. I already feel like shit for doing so Alright?"

The tears fell from my eyes and slowly slid down my cheeks as I looked my father right in front of me in the eyes. "I'm not happy that he's gone Sap, you loved him, I know you did. And I know how happy he made you, but he left you and I can't forgive him for hurting my baby boy like that." "Don't call me that." He took a deep breath in. "We get that your upset, and we're here for you guys. Okay. Maybe tell him a little more, give him more information to comprehend." Skeppy suggested. I nodded my head again.

"Maybe. But what if it gets worse. Like even worse, like he just starts forgetting how to breathe or something? What if that's how I lose him?" I was rambling but they didn't care, "what if I wake up and Karl's just gone. What if he wakes up and gets scared and leaves me all alone. I don't want to be alone again. He's all I have right now, Karl, and I don't wanna lose him." "What about George, he's here right?" Bad Asked as he pulled me into another hug.

"He's asleep. He's been asleep since the day of our fight with Q. And I can't visit Dream, I don't wanna risk being manipulated again." I whispered as I sobbed against my fathers shoulder. "It's all okay. You don't have to visit Dream. No ones forcing you too. You're alright. You're safe. You're loved. Don't forget that okay Pandas?" Skeppy stated as Bad pulled away.

"We love you Sap, and we hate to see your hurting like this and I know that what you're going through is tough. But don't be afraid to ask for help. We can take care of Karl if you need time to yourself to take in everything. You've barely had time to from what I've heard. Okay." Bad said. I nodded my head in response. "Okay." He kissed my forehead like I was five again and leafy the room with Skeppy right behind him who waved at me before he left.

It was all so much, but it was starting to get better. And hopefully my dads help with everything just fine

Word count: 955

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