Chapter VIII: Pork Grind

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Peter and Billy played "I Spy."

"I spy... with my little eye..." said Billy. "Something grainy."

"Is it sand?" asked Peter.


"I spy... with my little eye... something blue..."



Peter and Billy stare everywhere.

"Boy, this is boring," said Billy.

"Yeah... No shit..." said Peter. "I should be a college student by now..." sighed Peter.

"So should I... SHAZAM!!!"

Lightning strikes Billy as he transforms instantly. He gains red armor with golden lightning on his chest. He also has a white cape with golden boots.

Billy, as SHAZAM, grabbed a rock and threw it upward. It fell into the moon, which is only a few thousand meters above the planet.


Billy transformed back into his original form.

"Close moon..." said Peter.

"Yeah... It's actually pretty small compared to Earth's," said Billy. "I learned that from Science Class."

"You like science?" asked Peter.

"Nope," said Billy.

"Oh," said Peter. 

The two awkwardly sat together staring blankly in the distance.

"W-Well... We should go check on Slade again," said Peter.

Peter stands up and checks for Slade.

"Uh... Billy!?"

"Yeah, yeah... I know... I'm good at throwing stuff," smiled Billy.

"Slade's gone!" yelled Peter.

"Slade's gone?" smiled Billy. "SLADE'S GONE!?" he yelled, realizing what he just said as his smile disappeared and turned into a face of horror. "SHA-!!! MMPH!!!"

Slade covers Billy's mouth. "Be quiet, boy..."


Peter backs away as a hooded figure approached him.

The figure takes out his cloak as he is revealed to be a Spider-Man in the shape of a cartoon pig, but with a black suit.

"The name's Pork Grind!" he yelled as he shook every time he walked like a cartoon character. "Yabadabadoo..."

Peter raises his other eyebrow. "Uh... You're a cartoon pig..." said Peter.

"And you're a live-action Disney Character. Who's the real guy being roasted here? Huh?" laughed Pork Grind.

Slade points a gun at Billy's head.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this, Batson," sighed Slade.

"Mmph!" Billy yelped.

Slade's expression stayed completely calm.

"Where is the Anti-Life Equation?" asked Slade.

"Why are you helping Darkseid!?" asked Peter. "Darkseid wants to take away everyone's free will and make himself rule two whole Multiverses!"

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