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Thanks to @MoJo100000 and @trindra020 for suggesting this chapter!!!


"I came over with the last curse," Mulan says confused, "Found a cave in the woods and camped there, didn't know where I was or what was happening when I woke up. My memory came back, but it didn't help much, I just stayed here. About a week ago the merry men found me, I've been with them ever since."

"I wish we would have known that you were here! We could have helped you get on your feet, maybe given you a better place to say than a cave floor." Emma said happily.

"Don't worry about it, I haven't had any problems lately." Mulan smiled.

"Well I mean if you'd like you could come back home with me. I am sure my mother would be delighted to see you, and you can meet my son and my father, and my husband..." Emma reached for her abdomen as she laughed.

"So Baelfire found you! That is so sweet, and you're pregnant?!" Mulan was ecstatic, but Emma's face hardened.

"Um, no. Neal died, not to long ago, it's been about two years..."

"Oh, I am so sorry."

"Don't worry about it, let's just go back to my place and we can call a few people over, you've been missed, I promise."


Emma and Mulan got into the bug and drove to the Jones apartment, all the while phoning the Charmings, the Golds, Aurora, and Phillip, and telling. Them to make there way to the apartment.

"Knock, Knock!" Emma said as she opened the door on her love and her son sitting at the kitchen table playing some sort of card game.

"Hello love." Killian said slyly, pulling Emma in for a kiss.

"Wait. You fell in love with the man who tried to kill you...that must be a long story." Mulan said.

"Well, let's just say I couldn't resist." Emma says with a laugh.

"Um, mom? Who's that?" Henry asked pointing to Mulan.

"Henry, this is Mulan, Mulan this is my son Henry." As Emma spoke the two shook hands awkwardly, then silence struck the room.

Eventually a knock sounded on the door and the Golds were standing behind it, hands interlocked, smiling. As if to break the silence Belle and Mulan ran into each other's arms, hugging, they started to chat, and Killian and Mr. Gold walked to the kitchen and started talking about who knows what, Henry described it as "ex-villain," but no one could ever understand the two's voices.

Emma went to the sofa with Henry and the two began flipping through the channels, at some point the rest of the guests arrived, but the small group took no notice as they began scrolling through the channels on Netflix.

"So is that the 'movie' thing that Bae told me about?" Mulan asked from behind.

"Well, in theory yes." Emma pushed.

"Well, he told me that they made one about me."

"I mean they did, if you want me to put it on I can." Henry said excitedly.

"Why not?"

And so he did. Pulling the movie up and pressing play, Mulans story rolled for the crowd to watch.


"Well I haven't found any love, and I am sure that I didn't pretend to be a man. In fact, all that they got correct was that I was a soldier. I would think that these 'movies' need to do their research." Mulan said half upset half laughing over the movie who's credits were rolling as she spoke.

"Movies don't research, the people who make them do." Henry laughed.

"Oh well, that isn't my story, I don't like it."

"Trust me," Killian said, "I have it much worse."

And with that, the two started arguing over who's movie was worse.

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