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Okay here's a few things before we start out.

1.This is the first chapter I am doing first person since many of you enjoyed that idea.

2. I'm starting to hit the bottom when it comes to Disney movies so I'm writing in a few characters here, so when and if you are suggesting movies for me to do keep that in mind!

3. I haven't forgotten Tinkerbell, she just isn't a priority. If you are desperate to see her then let me know and I'll move her to the top of the list, but for now she is backup.

On that note let's get started! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!!!


I took my first breath of a new life when my foot landed onto the rich....cloud of Olympus. Meg's hand in mine as we made haste for the palace that graced the top of the mountain.

"So this is Olympus?" Meg spoke with a certainty and sarcasm that I vaguely remembered her having before we were killed.

"I would think so." I said with a smile.

"Don't be so happy wonderboy, you're still dead." She smirked to her words, long gone was the terrified woman who had run from Ceberus hours ago. Though she had a point, I was dead. Or was I? I didn't feel dead, I felt....not alive but...immortal.

"My son!" I hear a booming voice echo around the two of us. Meg shoots me a questioning glance. Zeus? My father, Zeus.

"Father?" I scream to the sky.

"Yes son, it is I." I saw the doors not far in front of us swing open, "Come on in!"

I lock eyes with Meg and then we make haste to the doors.


"You know the mortals have some interesting things that they work on."

"Do they?" I spoke with an eye raised, white wine gracing the glass that my father lent me.

"Yes, lately they've been making these things in the land without magic called movies."

"Movies? What on Olympus is that?"

"Well they are like moving pictures with sound. It's quite intriguing."

"What are these movies about then?"

"Well all sorts of things, they made one about you actually."

"Did they?"

"Yes, mortals seem to like it, but they got all of the facts wrong."

"Can I see it?"

"Well of course!" Zeus reached into his pocket and withdrew a golden drachma, tossing it into the fountain in the center of the room, "Lady Iris..." His voice trailed off as I watched him summon the movie through the Iris message, a type of communication I hadn't thought was common any longer.

The fountain shifted colors and an image started to appear across the vapors that streamed from the spout. It was a reddish-brown color and a woman was singing a type of music that I recognized as soul–the underworld must've been good for something.

"Oh we missed the first part!" Zeus exclaimed, "That's my favorite. They all come out of this vase and say that they're the nine muses..." He pointed to the screen and moved his hands as he explained the first few seconds of the movie.

"Okay, okay, I got it. Shh, I can't hear." My father's face fell and he whimpered at being stopped.

"Fine." He muttered, crossing his arms.

I watched as the muses sang about my....parents?

"Wait, Hera isn't my mother though." I exclaimed. That woman was the cruelest, rudest, meanest--

"You think it's bad for you, when Hera saw it she made me sleep on the couch for a week. I still have a crick in my neck!"

I shook my head, watching as I killed two snakes. At least they got that one right.

I watched wide-eyed as the movie went along, the gospel music that I'd heard once or twice coming from a yacht that was anchored off of the Underbrooke port, but it was never as spectacular as that of the music I heard from the nine muses.

Meg was in the movie, her sass was on parr with that that she'd given me once we'd arrived on Olympus. She had gone off with Aphrodite and Psyche for makeovers when we'd reached the castle, though that didn't seem like her thing.

I smiled and laughed at the movie, cringing at the way that they depicted my uncle. The same blunt rudeness as he had in person, though in the movie Pain and Panic where his sidekicks, and I knew Pain, he'd never be dumb enough to serve Hades.

At the end of the movie I drew Meg from the river of lost souls, wondering what logic had gone into that being a possibility while hearing my father repeat, "Did you like it? It was wonderful wasn't it? It's my favorite by far...."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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