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"Give me one good reason to trust you." Merida said carefully, obviously wishing that she had her bow and arrows with her.

"Maybe because I've never done anything to hurt you." Emma said, hands at attention, showing her surrender.

A laugh, "You ripped out my heart and tried to kill me. Yes, you surely haven't tried to hurt me!"

"That wasn't me," a twig snapped under her foot in the forest, "that was the darkness, the dark one, I couldn't control it. I'm sorry."

Merida sighed, an apology. That wasn't like the cold woman that had threatened her brothers' safety only days before.

"So maybe you won't try to hurt me. But I still think that it isn't a good idea to go with you, and you can't make me."

"Well actually I could," Emma started, "I still have magic, just not dark one magic."

Merida took a step back and ran her eyes frantically up and down Emma, slightly raising her arm to the quiver of arrows that say across her back.

"The point is that I won't." Emma stated, noticing Merida's reaction, "Just come with me, we can keep you get back to your brothers, you just have to let us help you."

"You'll really help me?"

"Yes. I...we're heroes. Me and my family. We can help you if you let us, I promise."



"Merida!" Belle exclaimed as Emma walked into the Charming loft with the Scott. She had Neal in her arms as she ran to greet her friends.

"How's my baby brother doing?" Emma said in her softest voice, noting that Neal was asleep.

"He is a perfect Prince." She smiled as she placed the child into the gentle arms of his older sister. She let her head turn to her past friend and enemy, "So, Merida, you're here?"

"Look Belle about what happened--"

"I-I know, it's okay." She pulled Merida into a tight hug.

A moment of awkward silence passed before Neal awoke and started screaming.

"I'll get it." Belle spoke smoothly, pulling away from Merida and retrieving Neal from Emma's arms.

"Oh--Belle--" Emma chuckled as she let go of her brother, "You are amazing, what would we do without you?"

Belle laughed and shook her head, "I think that you'd be just fine." She smiled as she retreated behind the curtain that led to Neal's nursery.

Emma closed her eyes and shook her head with a smile.

"So, make yourself comfortable." She spoke, pointing to the sofa that stood before the television. "You want something to drink? Tea or water maybe?"

"Water would be incredible if you could."

She sat moving the fabric of her dress between her fingers while she waited for Emma to bring her her drink. The moment passed and Emma came into the small sitting area with a clear glass full of ice and wither.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Emma wiped her dew-covered hands on her jeans sighed, "You wanna watch something?"

Merida nearly choked on her water, "Excuse me?"

"On the TV. Like a movie or something."

"I haven't got the faintest idea as to what you may be referring."

"Oh, right...let me show you. Actually, there is a movie that Henry, my son, seems to really like. It's called Brave. It's about you believe it or not." She stood and walked to the DVD player to set the movie up.

"I'm flattered by the imitation but you don't have to go through all that hassle. I'll be just fine sitting here with me water."

"No! I insist!" The movie had already started to whir in the player, the lasers beginning in on their task to project the movie.

"Fine. So, this movie, it's about me?"

"Mmhm. You and your brothers and your mom and dad."

"Oh." a dark look flashed over her eyes, but it was gone as soon as it came, "I suppose this will be interesting."

And interesting it was. Blown away by the accuracy, Merida sat dumbfounded, tears welling in her eyes from time to time, seeing flashbacks from when she was a wee child. She was amazed at the almost twin-like qualities that her and her animated counterpart shared. It was almost scary.

"So how do they do this? Make the pictures move I mean."

"Well they use something called a Computer and they draw and generate the images." merida's eyes grew and she shook her head.

"Maybe it's best I don't think into it too much."

"Probably." Emma chuckled.


Well hello there everyone!!

I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I come today to ask you all a rather important question. If I were to write this story in first person POV from time to time would you all still enjoy it? I've done 3rd on here from the start, but I feel like I write so much better in first person and I can tell that my writing has slacked a bit of the late, so let me know what you think about that please!

Anyway, I once again hope that you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to leave suggestions, comment, vote, and share!!!

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