chapter 1

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My father and I were outside collecting fruits for dessert. "Father, look at this cherry blossom, isn't it beautiful?"

"yes it is quite lovely why don't you take a couple of branches inside for your mother"

"Yes yes she will love it." I say with excitement "dinners ready," mother and my sister say.

I run into the house nearly tripping on my own feet. I'm so excited to show mother and sister, I think to myself.

I stop at the doorway of the dinning room and hide the flowers behind my back. "I have a surprise " I say proudly "ooo what is it y/n?" my sister and mother say curiously.

I show them the flowers. I felt so happy seeing their faces light up, I then feel a hand gently pat My shoulder. This cold shiver goes through my whole body I turn to see who it is "Dad what's wrong?'" "It's time to go, '' he says with no expression. Why do I need to leave? This is my home, I think to myself. "I'm not ready to leave please..." I say , turning to look away from everyone, I turn to look back. They were all covered in blood. " No this can't happen, it's too early, we still need to have dinner" I say as my voice trembles. This horrible sound starts to fill my ears. What's happening?

I open my eyes to this chilling feeling go throughout my body, I sit up to catch my breath what was that a memory or a- the voice of the head lady cuts my thoughts off. It's getting closer to our room. I looked over to Makomo, she was fast asleep no wonder considering the time. The voice was so close now, I quickly fall back into my bed pretending to sleep. I really can't afford for her to catch me. She already dislikes me even though I try so hard for her approval.

The door opens and I hear footsteps get closer and closer. It wasn't just one set of footsteps there was someone else "wake up" the head lady says, shaking mine and Makomo shoulders. We both sit up and open our eyes to see a strange man standing there with a weird looking mask on. He wore a blue kimono with white clouds. " This VERY nice man would like to take both of you home, he has already signed everything. you will leave now" already? He hasn't even seen us before..

I was worried but also happy someone finally wanted us after 2 months of living in this place.

After leaving the orphanage the strange guy in a red mask takes the lead, still not saying anything. What do I do... talk? Stay silent?

I look over to Makomo and give her a ''what do we do" look, she replies mouthing "i don't know".

"You know you don't need to feel weird or scared... I wont hurt you" wow he actually speaks I think to myself. "Oh I'm sorry I know, but I have to ask why did you take us in?" I say

"Yeah why? you 've never even met us before.." Makomo says.

"Well when I found out one of my old time friends had passed I looked into it and found out he had a daughter and had adopted a child, I also found out they had nowhere to go and had been placed in an orphanage. so I said to myself I would take them in and treat them as my own." I went silent not knowing what to say. I could tell Makomo felt the same. All she did for the rest of the walk was look down in silence.

We reach this small but welcoming house "ok well this is it" the man says entering the house.

We follow him inside standing there in silence "well I'll show yous your room"

We trail behind him entering a room with 4 beds setup  " well this is it there's not much time till sunrise so try to get as much rest as you can tomorrow is going to be a long day and we can talk more then".

"Oh ok thank you " Makomo and I both say being polite but we had so many questions. Why were there 4 beds but only two of us to start with? Why is tomorrow going to be a "long" day and how does he know our dad?

We both look at each other not knowing where to start but as I'm about to say something we hear a knock on the front door "why would he have visitors now?" Makomo says I look at her. I can tell she's curious " You wanna go snoop don't you?" She looks at me with a smirk "Yes yes I do" she says while tip toeing to the bedroom door.

We open it slowly trying not to make a sound. The man in the mask is blocking the front door but we hear another voice "hear you must be exhausted please come in", A boy who looks to be around our age steps inside. Makomo and I look at each other for a second trying to put the pieces together but look back out the door after hearing the voice of mr mask " oh girls you're still awake, well we have a new addition joining us tonight". We both look over to the boy wearing a red kimono

He looks at us shyly, not saying anything then quickly looks away, "its ok don't worry" Mr mask man says.

I feel bad he looks so sad. I just wanna give him a hug, I can tell he's been through hell there's this look in his eyes... I cant explain it I just know he's hurting .

He looks up again for a second locking eyes with me he then blushes and looks away

" uhm well... I'm Giyuu Giyuu-tomioka."

( Ok well that's it my first official chapter:)

I hope you guys enjoyed it. It's my first time writing. I do want to say sorry if it's boring and short. I promise the next chapters will be better and longer. I honestly didn't know what to do for the first chapter aha. Also don't we love the " Mr mask man" I swear he'll be called by his actual name next chapter. )

The moon will always be ours sabito X giyu X y/n Where stories live. Discover now