Sabito's (pov)

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( this is sabitos pov of the last chapter:) )

Did he really just say that? We have to cut through these massive boulders with just our swords?

Everyone looked over to me with a confused look. none of us knew what to say.

"Ok well i've taught you all everything I know so if you manage to cut through your boulders I will let you go to final selection".

final selection? oh yeah he told us about that when we first started training with him. I still don't know how I feel about final selection. What if we all make it? Will we all get separated?

I've formed all these friendships and feelings. I really don't wanna lose..

Giyuu is the best friend I've ever had and has finally started to open up to me so much lately. Makomo is just Makomo. I know she means well but sometimes she can be very loud and pushy.

And then there's y/n...

It's been 3 weeks since Sakonji told us to cut through our boulders and none of us have been successful. We all train every day gaining strength, we push ourselves to the max exceeding our limits.

I see all of my friends trying so hard, but I can tell that they're losing hope after every failed attempt.

But lately I'm starting to think that there has to be more to it than just strength. There has to be something we're missing.

"We can't give up now," Makomo says. "Yeah I agree guys, we've come so far, and now all we have to do is cut through these boulders." I say trying to cheer everyone up. We were all so tired and the others were starting to lose hope, I could tell by their expressions.

"Yeah I know guys it's just what else can we do? We've trained so hard. Pushed ourselves to go out of our comfort zones and none of us can cut through our boulders still." Giyuu says with a slightly sad tone behind his voice.

"Yes we have been training hard but there has to be more to the picture. there has to be something missing, maybe it's not all just about strength" I say lifting myself off the ground to start training again.

"I think you're right there has to be more to this challenge than just muscle strength" y/n says. I walk over to her and put my hand out to help her up. She was so tiny and light.

"He Sabito, can we go for a walk?" Giyuu says walking over to me.

"Yeah sure we'll join you guys later." I say looking over to the girls.

y/n looks at me and gives me a nod then turns to go train more with Makomo.

I wonder what's up with Giyuu?

"Hey so what's up? Why did you want to go on a walk?" I say walking next to Giyuu

"Oh it's nothing, I kind of just wanted to talk to someone.."

I can tell something is up but I don't want to try and force it out of him.

"You know you can talk to me about anything. I'm always here if you need to talk, we are best friends after all."

I say trying to comfort him.

"Thanks Sabito, that means a lot.. It's just I know we've all had something bad happen to us in the past and that's why we were all here, but like it's just if I knew everything I knew now I would have been able to save my sister.." Giyuu says, his eyes filling with tears.

"I'm so sorry Giyuu. That's horrible it sucks that had to happen to you, but you have us now and we'll always be here for you no matter what. We'll always have your back and be here for you if you ever need anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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The moon will always be ours sabito X giyu X y/n Where stories live. Discover now