Chapter 3

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It's been 3 days since our first day of training. Sabito and I have gotten really close and Giyuu has become way more friendly, Sabito has really brought him out of his shell. Like yesterday we had a whole conversation! Everything has been great, but I still don't know what happened to me on the mountain.

It's been happening to me ever since our first day of training. It's not a bad thing but why me? Why did suddenly one day I get these heightened senses that tell me when someone is near me or when something is about to happen?

"y/n lunch is ready!" Makomo screams from inside. Come on guys, we better go before she drags us in there," Sabito says. "Yeah, I really don't feel like losing an arm today," Giyuu says laughing to himself.

We all walk inside taking a seat at the table " we made rice balls!" Makomo says smiling, Sakonji follows behind her with a plate of rice balls "mmmm yes I love them" Sabito says, eyeing them all off.

We all start to enjoy the food but as we all start to eat Sakonji starts to talk "So I know you've all been training really hard these past couple of days but I think it's time for you all to learn the water breathing technique."

"Water breathing ?" I say confused but also curiously. "Yes, water breathing will help enhance your fighting style and make you stronger" "wow that's really cool '' Makomo says with her mouth full of food.

We had finished eating and made our way outside to start our new training.

Wow that was tough "I say collapsing to the ground. This was harder than I thought, my lungs felt as if they were about to explode. " Are you ok y/n?" Sabito says putting his hand out to help me up.

"Yeah, just pretty worn out" I say, placing my hand in his "Can I show you something?" he says while pulling me up. " sure but what is it?" I say looking into his eyes. They were just so hard to resist, they were just so calming and welcoming, it was as if you could get lost in them. They felt like the deep depths of the ocean dragging you down and not letting you go.

"I guess you'll see when we get there," Sabito says, keeping a devilish smile on his face. I look away. My face was burning red, why did he make me feel like this? He was so kind towards me and always knew how to make me laugh.

He keeps hold of my hand leading me to a secluded area. It was dark by now, we had been training for hours non stop "Wait stop!" I pause in confusion, still having no idea where we are going . Sabito steps behind me placing his hands over my eyes " what is this Sabito?" I say giggling. "Like I said it's a surprise" "ok fine it better be good" I say.

"Ok, we're here, " Sabito says, taking his hands off my face. "Omg...Sabito it's beautiful" I say looking around at the beautiful scenery. He had taken me to this beautiful edge of a mountain covered in these beautiful flowers. It had the perfect spot to sit and look at the moon and just relax.

"I thought you would like it," Sabito says while walking over to sit under the moonlight.

I follow and sit next to him "so you were adopted into Makomo's family?" he says trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah well my biological family was killed when I was young, I don't really remember them but sometimes I'll get these dreams of a family I don't remember and I think that's them.. I think they are long lost memories that I've forgotten about trying to come back. But that's enough about me, tell me about you?"

"I'm so sorry that sounds tough. But on some level I can relate, my family was killed by demons while I was asleep one night I woke up to their screams. but my big brother was with me and hid me in the closet... he saved me but I couldn't save them."

This is the first time I've seen Sabito not smiling... It breaks my heart to see him like this. "Anyway, let's stop this depressing topic," Sabito says smiling. The rest of the night we spent just talking, he's just such a nice person I could talk to him forever and never get bored.

On the walk back to the house I sense this presence in the bush. Everything started to glow purple but especially this bush it was glowing like crazy. I stop and grab Sabito's arm gently pulling him back " something is in there" I say pointing to the bush.

Sabito walks forward toward this bush pushing me behind him. The bush Russell's revealing A frog sitting on a yellow rock "Awww its so cute" I say walking closer to it. The frog jumps at me causing me to put my hands out and catch it.

We make it to the house and tip toe inside trying not to wake anyone, "Uh where have you guys been Sakonji asked where you where and me and Giyuu had to cover for you saying you were out training." Makomo says opening our bedroom door. "Thanks guys for covering but we wer-" Giyuu cuts Sabito off before he could say anything else "y/n.. What is that under your kimono?" he says pointing at me.

"Uhm well he was just so cute I couldn't leave him behind '' I say, patting the frog's head.

y/n you know you can't keep him... He is pretty cute tho I have to admit." Makomo says walking over to pet the frog.

"I can't do it, he's too cute. I can't get rid of him."

Giyuu looks at me and says " if you want I can do it so you don't have to." I look up at him walking over to me. " ok yes please that would help but I still want to be there when he leaves."

He nods and we leave the others to go outside and release the frog.

"You know it's ok I'm sure you can have a frog when you're older" Giyuu says looking at me with a gentle smile "thanks Giyuu I'm sure I will too" I say smiling.

It's been two months since we all started training together now and we all have improved a lot since. Makomo was the first to master water breathing but for the rest of us that took a while but we finally got there. " Come y/n we're all going to practice on the mountain" Makomo says standing with the others .

"Ok coming".

I look at everyone standing "so you think I can beat you all down there?" "No way!" Makomo and Sabito say while giggling. "Well I guess we'll just have to find out," Giyuu says with a competitive voice. I look at him with a competitive smile "your on".

"Ready, set, go!" We all say launching ourselves down the hill. Giyuu was in the lead but I wasn't far behind him, I look to my side to see Sabito next to me "wait watch out" I yell pushing Sabito out of the way then dodged the attack.

"I guess I owe you now?" Sabito says while standing up " I'll just put it on your tab" I say giggling then start to run again "but I bet you can't beat me "I say "wait that's not fair you got a head start!"

I finally reach the bottom of the mountain with Sabito not far behind me. " Ha see I beat you" Giyuu says walking over to us " "yeah well I call a rematch" I say competitively. "Uhm guys Sakonji is coming over.

"Children over the last couple of months you have improved so much, and I now think that you all are ready to be shown the boulders"

The boulders? What does he mean by that? " I'm sorry but boulders?" "Yes boulders, I think it would just be easier if I show you then explain.

We finally reach these huge boulders. There are four and every one of them has rope tied around with decorations hanging off it. "These are quite lovely rocks but why do we need them and what do we do with them?" Makomo says in a weirded out voice.

"Well I want you all to cut through your own boulder"

( what do we think of that. Sabito and Giyuu are such little cuties I wish I could just have them both aha anyway I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I know there isn't much action and drama but I'm hoping that I can put more of that into the upcoming chapters, I feel like these first ones are gonna be lil cutie ones:)

The moon will always be ours sabito X giyu X y/n Where stories live. Discover now