Chapter 4

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He has to be crazy there is no way he actually expects us to cut through these giant rocks. It's IMPOSSIBLE. We all stand there not knowing what to do or say " ok well i've taught you all everything I know so if you manage to cut through your boulders I will let you go to final selection".

Final selection? Oh wait, I remember him talking about that when we first started training.

If we make it through final selection we become demon slayers, but first we have to figure out how to cut through these boulders.

It's been 3 weeks since Sakonji told us to cut through the boulders and none of us have been able to yet but we've all gotten stronger. We train so hard every day trying to get the strength to be able to cut through our boulders but it's just so hard.

"We can't give up now" Makomo says "yeah I agree guys, we've come so far and now all we have to do is cut through these boulders" Sabito says trying to boost our confidence.

Me and Giyuu look at each other and sigh "yeah I know guys, it's just what else can we do we've trained so hard. Pushed ourselves to go out of our comfort zone and none of us can cut through our boulders still" Giyuu says with a slight sad tone in his voice.

"Yes we have been training so hard but there has to be more to the picture. There has to be something we're missing, maybe it's not all just about strength" Sabito says standing up to start training again.

"I think you're right there has to be more to this challenge than just muscle strength" I say looking up to Sabito putting a hand out to help me up.

I stand up with the help of Sabito. "Hey Sabito, can we go for a walk?" Giyuu says "yeah sure, we'll join you guys later." Sabito says I nod looking over to the two then turn to go train more  with Makomo.

"What do you think they are up to?" Makomo says looking behind her shoulder trying to see where they were going.

"Well I don't know but I think it's best to leave them alone to talk. "Why I'm curious what secrets are they keeping?" " look, I think it's best we leave them ok.. Giyuu has come out of his shell so much because of Sabito and I think he just needs someone to talk to right now." "ok whatever you say". Makomo finally gave up and we continued to train.

It's now been a month since we got shown the boulders and none of us have still been able to cut through our boulders "Hey y/n are you ready the suns starting to set we gotta leave soon" Makomo screams out. " yeah I'll be there soon"

The last couple of days we have been going out after sunset and killing demons in the local areas to try and build our strength up but with my memory I always forget where I leave my stuff so everyone's always waiting on me.

"Sorry guys I had to get something" I say looking down. I felt bad because I always do this.

"It's ok we still have time before sunset," Sabito says, smiling at me.

"Yeah don't worry about it but if you're ready let's get going" Giyuu says smiling.

Once we had finished for the night we started to head home " well tonight was a good night five demons and two of them we fought at the same time!" Makomo says giggling

"You know it's not really a good thing Makomo... " Giyuu says, looking at Makomo.

"Yeah I have to agree with Giyuu there's so many demons and no one realizes. so many innocent people are being killed" Saito says.

"Yeah but we can kill them all. We can fight all of them until there's non left." Makomo says.

You know Makomo never used to be like this. The old Makomo I knew was gentle and kind she loved her family and could make anyone smile when they were sad. But when our family was killed she changed, for two weeks after their murder Makomo didn't say anything and when she finally did start to speak again she wasn't the same.

The moon will always be ours sabito X giyu X y/n Where stories live. Discover now