Chapter 2

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Mr. Mask shows Giyuu to our room and tells him exactly what he said to us earlier. Now it was really awkward but it didn't take me long to fall asleep considering the time.

I wake up to the sound of a kettle boiling and the smell of bacon. I look over to see if Makomo was ok. She was still asleep. I went to rub her shoulder to wake her but noticed that the fourth bed has someone in it. I can only see the back of them but notice their hair is an unusual pink, like I can talk. I  was always made fun of because of my hair as a child. It's a weird colour kinda like a pewter type of colour. I've never cut my hair like ever. It's kinda the first thing you notice about me, considering the length and colour I understand tho.

The pink haired kid rolls over, they must be awake I think to myself. It's a boy.. I didn't mean to assume but considering his hair I thought it would be a girl. He opens his eyes to see me staring at him. I get nervous and quickly look away but I can't help but look back... his eyes th- they where just so calming they were beautiful "Hi i'm Sabito" he says smiling looking straight into my eyes. "Oh um hi im y/n".

"That's a beautiful name " he says still smiling " "we should probably wake the others" I say trying to change the topic. I hate compliments. I don't know why it's just always been like that.

He goes to wake Makomo since she was the closest to him. I look over to the boy who arrived last night next to me but he looks so peaceful. I know he's been through a lot and sometimes the only way to escape some of that pain is to sleep, "you can't wake him up can you?" the pink haired boy says "No he just look so peaceful I don't want to take that from him"

" It's ok I'll wake him up, you can go join that other girl and Sakonji urokodaki we'll be out soon". Sakonji urokodaki?

"Who is that? strange mask guy?" " haha yes "strange" mask guy he didn't tell you his name?" "oh well no he didn't really say much except that he knew our father" Sabito laughs and starts to wake up Giyuu.

Why was this boy so nice? I've only known him for a couple of minutes not even and it feels like we've already got some type of connection... like we've been friends for ages.

I join Makomo and Sakonji urokodaki. I sit next to Makomo "good morning y/n" Sakonji urokodaki says " oh good morning Sakonji urokodaki " I say " please call me Sakonji that goes for all of you" he says looking up at the boys who were walking over to us.

We're all seated and ready to eat breakfast but then Sakonji says "So im guessing youre all pretty confused why we were here" we all nod accept for Giyuu he just sits there looking at the space in front of him. " well you all have different stories but  nowhere to go so from now on this will be your home and you will train to become future demon slayers''

Demon slayers? What on earth is he talking about? This guy is crazy. " I'm sorry, did you say demon slayers?" Makomo says, beating me to it " yes demon slayers... How do you think I knew your father" this guy has to be crazy our father never said anything about demons let alone demon slayers! I keep this concerned look on my face after hearing what I just heard like he cant be Sirius?

Giyuu looks up for the first time all morning and looks at me and Makomo "he's not lying" Giyuu says with a gentle yet emotionless voice "yeah he's not guys we promise" Sabito says still keeping a slight smile on his face. Makomo looks at me and nods. We look back at Sabito and Giyuu giving them a nod as well.

"Ok well we still have a lot to do today so you guys better eat up you'll need it" Sakonji says. we all nod and start to eat. I'm still so confused though. Well I mean I know what we're doing here now but demon slayers and our father. How does that connect? What did our father have to do with it? Was he a demon slayer?

We all had finished our breakfast and were now all standing in a line outside waiting for Sakonji to tell us what to do next. Sabito turned to look at me "So is Makomo your sister?" " yeah well technically not I was adopted into her family but we say we're sisters. We've always been there for eachother for as long as I can remember." " Oh I see we-'' before he could say anymore  we get cut off " follow me I will show you where you will train," Sakonji says whilst starting to walk up this huge mountain.

We finally reach the top,  Sakonji turns and starts to walk down the mountain again " wait what do we do?" Sabito says " come back down as fast as you can, simple right".

We all look at each other confused.  I Go to look back at where the man was but he was nowhere to be seen. "Where did he go?" I say looking at the others they all turn around to see that Sakonji had disappeared "well  guess we better do as the man says" Makomo says " yeah I guess so" I say.

I look over to the boys and see that they were talking and seemed to be getting along. I'm happy someone can bring Giyuu out of his shell . " Well I guess we should get this over with '' I say looking at the boys, they both look at me with a smile " yeah I guess so" Giyuu says smiling at me.

He smiled  that makes me so happy, He has such a cute smile as well. I really do hope he smiles and feels more welcome from now on.

  I smile back at him "well let's do this then" I say smiling. Giyuu blushes and quickly looks away.

We all start to run down this hill, sabito taking the lead but suddenly sabito gets thrown into the air and falls on top of me. "Im so sorry I didn't see that coming.  Are you hurt please tell me I didn't hurt you"  "no no it's ok i'm fine but are you ok? your the one that took the hit" I say whilst scanning his body to see if there was any damage.

"Omg  sabito your hand it's covered in blood" I went to grab his hand hesitantly. It has a slice from the thumb to his wrist I rip part of my kimono and start to wrap his hand to slow the bleeding.

" It's ok really" Sabito says " no your hurt I-" he grabs my hand with his good hand, my head shoots up and our eyes meet once again "Come on we should keep going the others are already ahead of us". he says keeping eye contact whilst smiling.

We both stand up still holding hands "here we'll go down together" Sabito says preparing to start once again. How was he so calm? and on top of that how does he keep a smile.  " Ready set go!" he starts to run pulling me along with him.

But something wasn't right. We now know that there are traps set up all over the mountain but my head... the pain, it just came all of a sudden like a headache but the worst i've ever had. Sabito notices and turns his head to ask if I was ok, then suddenly this weird feeling goes through my whole body like I knew something was about to happen.

I look up but everything seemed to slow and had a purple tinge to it like a filter was put over my eyes, but especially the spikes poking up in front of us they were glowing bright purple ... wait the spikes!

I stop and with all my strength pull Sabito back causing him to fall. "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't know what to do" "No no its ok. that was amazing how did you know they were coming up from the ground though?" "I.. I... I don't know. But we have to keep going" I say, still trying to put together what had just happened.

We finally made it to the bottom of the mountain to find the others lying on the ground, they were exhausted but so where we. " what was that back there?" Sabito says.  the others walk over "that was crazy " Makomo says holding her stomach trying to catch her breath " yeah he could have at least warned us" Giyuu says putting his hands on his knees breathing heavily.

"Yeah well you wanna know something real crazy" Sabito says looking at the others then looking back over to me. " y/n can tell when there were traps she saved me.." I look down not knowing what to say "Wait what how? And when could you do this?" Makomo says looking at me Giyuu does the same but looks more amazed than anything.

I want to answer their questions but the thing is I don't know...

( I hope this was a little better than the last chapter... but like isn't Giyuu a little cutie I just wanna give him a hug :(  next chapter I'm hoping for everyone to get closer and maybe even a little cute sabito X y/n scene;)

The moon will always be ours sabito X giyu X y/n Where stories live. Discover now