I Hate You Please Love Me

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"She said leave her alone!" yelled a voice Blossom wished to hear again. "Oh yeah right! What are you gonna do about it emo!?" Blossom turned at that and saw Boomer fighting Jake. His eyes filled with anger and a cut on his lip. "I'm going beat you to a pulp if that's what it takes!" yelled the blue boy. Blossom's face heated up, he was so hot fighting Jake, saving her even though she pushed him away. He... he loved her.

Blossom stared as the scene unfolded. Boomer's dark hair swayed at his sides as he brought his fists up to fight Jake once again. "Oh come on emo. Just let us be. Can't you see we were in the middle of something?" Jake asked touching his lip that Boomer had punched. Crimson blood dropped onto his finger. "No, I don't. You won't touch her! She deserves way too much respect, especially from you!" Boomer retorted lunging back at the taller boy. Jake grabbed Boomer by the hair making him roar out. Possibly not from pain. The only thing that would make Boomer cry out in pain was words, painful words, from his brothers. "Let go!" He yelled gutting the taller boy. "What are you going to do about it? Huh blondie?" Jake sneered as Blossom screamed with all her energy, "Let him go!" Something happened after she had said that. Blossom didn't knew how she condered so much power and light energy, her body glowed a dazzling rose pink, her hair flew up with all the power in her body. The wind circled around them as Jake let go of Boomer with great force turning to face the blasting girl. "What the fuck?!" He yelled shielding his eyes from the blinding light. Boomer however stared in awe. The pink glow brightened as Blossom screamed from the intense power, her body fell up in the air, and the energy just exploded all around. Thankfully, and lamely, not hurting anyone but Jake. He shot back front he force into a wall as Blossom's eyes glowed a dark pink. Almost red. In an instant she rose her arm, which raised the boy who tried to rape her, and squeezed her fist. Causing him to choke. The blue rowdy ruff couldn't stand it, Jake shouldn't die. At least not by Blossom's hand. "Blossom!" He yelled as she snapped her head toward him. Her face emotionless. "Don't kill him! You know it's not right!" He yelled, Boomer could feel the energy off her. It was impossible for someone to hold so much. But then again, Buttercup once turning into a shadow demon and Bubbles turned into a blood thirsty slut. Blossom remained emotionless as the soft choking of Jake's was all that was heard. "Please Bloss..." boomer whispered out. The girl nodded, dropping her hand. Causing Jake to fall and run away. The dark energy stayed with her, and they stared at each other in silence.

Buttercup wasn't in a cherry mood when Bubbles showed up. Especially with Brute. Butch waved at her and offered her his leather jacket since it was freezing inside the cafeteria, which Bubbles gladly wore. Brute sat on the table, ignoring the glare from her rival. Brute stared at the unusual couple in front of her. Bubbles was pure like an angel. Butch was as dark as... well as shadows. No. Darker than shadows. "See something you like?" Said a voice behind her. Brute turned seeing her step sister Brat. Her pig tails straighten and outfit a level 4 of sluttiness. "No." Brute snapped blushing hard as Buttercup scowled covering her eyes annoyed. "What do you want?" She groaned as the blue eyed girl glared back. "Oh nothing special really." she smiled and swayed over to Butch. Whispering something in his ears. He growled at the dark blond as Bubbles tilted her head confused. "What is it?" She asked as Buttercup saw the fear flash into Butch's eyes. So did Brute. "Brat is just being a brat." the punk girl interjected before anyone else could say otherwise. The pure blond sighed and nodded. Knowing she won't get her answers now. Butch sent the two green girls a thankful smile, but something behind them made his face turn to a tight scowl. Even without turning around Buttercup and Brute already knew who it was. Bubbles being clueless turned and rose an innocent brow. "Did... did Brick do something?" She asked turning to Brute and her sister. The girls remained silent, Brute refusing to make eye contact unable to lie to her blue friend. Brat flashed Bubbles a sneer smile, as Brick walked forward. He stopped in front of Bubbles looking her in the eyes. Nobody knew what he wanted, all he did was stare. "Piss off." Butch growled holding the blond by the waist tightly. Brick gave a sad smile toward the blond and nodded. "I guess you aren't coming home anytime soon then..." he whispered to his green brother. He got a growl in response as Brute repeated, "He said, Piss. Off." the punk girl slowly stood up the tension between them all was making it hard for Bubbles to breath. With that, the red head boy walked away silently, leaving with his dark aura around him. Bubbles stared after him, something about him. It was strange and darker than what he was suppose to contain. She needed to go after him. Alone.

Berserk wasn't much to toy with. In fact, she was starting to miss having her ex boyfriend, Blake, by her side. He too, was from the alternative universe they called home. Before they changed their ways, he and his adopted brothers were called the rowdy right boys. Sadly, he was disowned by his family because he was in love with Berserk. Only to have her break his heart. She didn't have much of a choice... Her father would have destroyed her sisters. Just like he did with Bat... The purple punk was never spoken of after that day. The red girl sighed and stared off into the sky. She couldn't fly anymore. Her and her sisters powers was stripped from them by the powerpuff girls. Buttercup gave up her powers, to be normal for once. Bubbles kept hers in order to protect herself. Blossom, kept hers as well. Nobody knew why. The rowdy ruff boys, naturally kept theirs. Berserk blew a piece of orange hair out her face, the grass was tickling her legs through the thin fabric white socks. Shutting her eyes slowly, she tried drifting to sleep. But something awoke her, footsteps. She jumped up fast, and rose her arms to fight. But when she made eye contact with the person, her face heated up with embarrassment. Behind those clear glasses, were the most cold and pale blue eyes she ever saw. "D-Dexter?" She exclaimed beating down a forceful blush. He stared at her in surprise dropping his books in the process. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I- I thought you were Blossom. Pardon me..." he apologize, picking up the dropped textbooks. Berserk stared in confusion, frankly she was half taken aback. He didn't remember her? Did he not remember when he- The girl shook her head, No. I will not even think of that day! It is forbidden! Dexter stared at her, intrigued. "Um... I didn't quite catch your name... I'm Dexter..." he said shyly extending a hand. 'i know' she thought but gladly accepting his hand. "Berserk." "Berserk..." he trailed, his face was in thought. He had heard of the name before... somewhere... "Well, its a very usual name for such a breath taking girl." he smiled calmly. Berserk was taken a back by those kind words. 'You weren't like this when I had powers...' she thought sadly. "Oh, why thank you." she giggled confused. "Might I say, you look so much like my college, Blossom." he added and she nodded. "Well, some think we were 'separated at birth' but thats impossible because she didn't come from a mother." Berserk added. Only half of that statement was true. The two girls may be completely different, but they both longed for mothers. Dexter chuckled and nodded. "I suppose that is true." with that they engaged in conversation like old friends. Which they half were. At least they where once. In another time and place.

Blossom stared away, she couldn't think for once. All she could focus on was the power she held. It was consuming her, the energy was refreshing. But power can never replace happiness. Especially not Boomer's. Boomer finally spoke, his voice quiet, "Did you miss me? At all? Even a little?" He asked looking toward the ground. Away from the one he called 'the one'. Blossom stared into him, his aura could be seen, it was a dim blu, unlike the last time when it was an electric blue bursting with life. The silence was an answer enough for the blond boy. As he turned to leave, Blossom opened her mouth and replied "Yes. I really did. Everyday was like hell. It still is." Boomer's head snapped up, his eyes wide in surprise and mouth gapped open. "Why didn't you call me?! Why didn't you come back to me?!" He asked bursting out in confusing and pain. Blossom looked away, as the power that fueled her started to fade. "You changed. Your life is being shortened and I can't have that! I need someone who will stay with me. Someone who won't leave me..." her tears welling up, just teasing to fall. Boomer stared at himself in shame, he knew he messed up. He understood why she felt this way. Everyone she knew was leaving her. "But- "he started as she injected, "Even though your leaving me, you came back." she cracked a small smile. "You came back for me." she burst into tears falling to the ground on her knees. "And I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that I cause you so much pain. I'm so sorry that I missed our chance." she cried as Boomer walked to her, and hugged her tight. He smiled as she hugged back, crying into his arms. "Shush, you didn't miss it. Chances always come back. Like right now. This moment and time" he pulled away, his dull blue eyes staring into her bright pink ones. "Blossom. I want to be with you. Not matter how much pain or suffering I have to go through. I will always
love you.." With that he kissed her forehead and she smiled softly. "I... I love you too."

'And I'm sorry for that...'

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