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"Hey Blondie!" Yelled butch waving at bubbles. She looked up from her sketch as he sat down next to him. "Oh! Hello butch" she said confused. "Expecting someone?" He asked noticing her gaze form the door. She blushed shaking her head. "Shouldn't you be with BC?" The blue eyed girl asked him. "Doing what?" He said raising a brow. "I don't know. Hang?" She said as Boomer walked in. "Hey boomer!" She said as he waved sitting next to blossom. blossom looked up from her book raising a brow at him. "what?" he asked embrassed. "shouldn't you be with bubbles?" the red head asked. "shouldn't you be with brick?" he asked. "good point" she said going back to her book. "whatcha reading?" boomer asked looking over. "just a novel" she said annoyed. "that's no novel. it's Harry potter book 3, where Cedric's about to die!" boomer said but soon after he cupped his hands over his mouth. blossom looked up and giggled. "someone's a secret nerd" she said laughing. "Shh. Not so loud" he said pointing to bubbles. blossom nodded and giggled. Finally brick walked into the room and sat in the back of the class next to buttercup. he toke out his phone and started playing a game. buttercup looked at him as he played. "flappy bird?" she asked as he died frustrated. he nodded playing again. "let me try" she said taking the phone away. "129?!" brick said as she gave him the phone back. "not my best" buttercup said putting her feet on the table, sticking some earbuds in. "not your best? woman! that's the best in this school!" brick said as BC raised a brow. "where did you learn to play?" he asked as she scoffed. "myself. unlike my sisters, I play video games and listen to punk rock" Brick laughed and smirked. "well. then come with me, after school to the arcade on 16th street." he said as she smiled. "your on!"

"Hey Blossom!" boomer said. they were at the park by accident. "Oh. hey boomer" said blossom turning. "what are you doing here?" she asked sitting on the curb of the fountain. "walking. you?" he asked smiling. "same. bubbles got cheer and buttercups at the arcade" she said sighing. "wanna walk?" boomer asked lending out his hand. she smiled and toke it. "so, how's it like?" blossom asked walking. "what's like?" boomer asked confused. "being popular" blossom said laughing. "okay I guess. Most of the girls, want me. and I hate that. I swear! they cling harder than leaches" he said frustrated. she laughed. "I know how you feel" she said as he looked at her. "how?" "I just do" she said as he smiled. they stopped at a cherry tree blossoming pink flowers. "here" boomer said taking one. "A blossom. for a very special blossom" he said as she blushed smiling. they looked at each other smiling. "thank you boomer. your different than your brother." blossom said giving him a crooked smile. "and by that you mean?" he asked confused.

"La la la" sang bubble stilling by the park. practice had ended earlier than scheduled and she had gotten a text from blossom say she was at the park. "what a lovely day!" she said skipping. she caught a sight of pink and blue by a blooming cherry tree. "blossom?" she said hiding in a bush near where she could see and hear well.

"your nicer. and a gentlemen. your different and special" she continued as he blushed. "you know when and when not to do it. No other words can describe you other than different. Despite what all the others say. your amazing. and I like that" she said as he smiled. bubbles gasped as boomer held blossom hands. "blossom. your a smart, beautiful, and a dorky girl. I have never hung out with a girl like that. I may not find words that can describe my feelings. but I do know one thing." he said as she blushed in happiness. "your amazing and the most smartest girl I have ever seen" at this point bubbles was swept by lots of emotions. anger, depression, sadness, etc. "boomer I.." blossom said as they leaned close. "I like you blossom" he said as their lips collided. bubbles stood up shaking her head. she ran and ran until she hit a tree on a mountain. she cried while burying her head into her hands. the sky blew and it started to rain. she looked up and her eyebrows narrowed. no she thought. I will not cry I will not become that same baby I was. her heart broke and there in it's place was a deep dark black hole. her eyes turned navy blue and darkened. she stood up and toke off her pigtails letting her short hair fall down blowing in the wind. "I am strong. I have no weakness....."

"I am bubble viscous"

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