New kids or new toys?

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"Hey bricky" princess practically sang as she skipped toward the boy in a red cap. "oh hey... princess" the orange haired boy replied turning to face her. "I had fun last night." she smirked holding his hand. "yeah. great way to lose stress" Brick mused and rose an eye at the hand holding. She only laughed and kissed him on the cheek extremely close to his mouth. "how bout round two?" she whispered to his ear. "I'd love to but can't" he said rolling his eyes. The orange haired girl frowned and flipped her hair. "why?" "because you already had your turn" he said walking toward class, totally leaving her behind. Princess huffed annoyed and frowned.

"hey heart breaker" a blond haired boy said sitting in a back seat. His hair went up like angle wings and his shade of blond hair is one of the colors girls would kill to have. With his ocean blue eyes girls fake with there stupid contacts. "what's up?" brick said sitting in the back beside him, next to the wall. "Did ya hear about the new kids?" he said smirking. "no" "I here they're girls." boomer said chuckling. "nice! I need new toys" said a boy with pitch black hair. his hair in spikes and his emerald green eyes matching his dark green jacket a baggy black pants. "now butch please at least share!" brick said pretending to be angry. "Cool it brother." Butch said rolling his eyes laughing.

The three boys continued to fool around until they snapped their attention to the front. Where three different girls stood to capture their attention. "Class. Welcome three new students." said their teacher. Three girls stood there. Practically hanging like meat. The shortest of three, a blond who's hair in curly pig tails, the EXACT shade of Boomer's and blue sky eyes the Robin tries to fake. With her blue dress, dark blue leggings, and brown boots. The second shortest with lighter orange hair than brick, an obnoxiously large red bow with her pink eyes that were probably contacts, and her pink shirt with sliver skirt and brown boots. The third, the tallest and honestly looked intimidating, with short darker hair than butch in lower wings than boomer, a green shirt and camouflage pants with black converse, her emerald green eyes darting around with an unamused expression. "I'm blossom, this is Bubbles, and that's Buttercup" Said the red head pointing to her sisters. "Hi" Said bubbles waving. Buttercup only rolled her eyes. "Take a seat girls"

Blossom sat next to the wall right in front of brick. Bubbles sat near the window, she always like to watch the sky, and buttercup sat in the back corner next to butch.

The girl sporting pink stuck some ear-buds in her ears. Butch smirked and looked at his perverted brothers. Brick looked at Blossom and grinned. Boomer shrugged as he looked at Bubbles. They all nodded. They had their toys.




huh?" Buttercup groaned and glared at Butch, raising a brow. "you, me, skate park" he said smirking. "unless you're chicken" he said grinning.

Buttercup could only smirk and looked at him challengingly. "If this is your best idea of a date congratulations, your on!"

"excuse me?" asked Brick tapping Blossom on the shoulder. "yes?" She asked turning around. An earbud falling out of one ear. "Do you know what question #5 is?" He asked with a dumbfolded expression. "Oh, yes. It's 35. See the-" she started. But, all brick could focus on is how he was suppose to get this girl in bed. He groaned softly tuning her out, this girl was just one big book. A boring ass book. About condoms.

"Hey. Do you need a tutor?" She asked interrupting his thoughts. Brick only blinked and shrugged. "yeah. I really suck at this stuff" he said rolling his ruby eyes. "Well. I could help you. Your grades suck" she smirked like a know it all as she passing him his math test. He blushed. In anger. "y-yeah. thanks" he said through teeth. This bitch has no idea who I am?! I could ruin her! he thought while Blossom faced forward again.

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