Good and Bad

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The next day, Boomer was at school. but he changed. Instead of hair like angel wings they dropped down, he wore a black and blue striped sweater, a belt with a skull on it, black pants, and bags under his eyes. his pale face and a eyes darken. And Bubbles was the first to see him. "Boomer?" the blond haired girl asked shocked. all the now emo boy did was walk away toward the classroom. sitting in the back right coner, just staring. Bubbles sighed with guilt knowing his pain. She sat in her usual spot, but glanced every once and a while at him.

"Butch. I'm worried about Boomer" Bubbles said to her now green boyfriend. "why? he's just going through an emo stage" Butch said not eating anything for a snack. "butch you know as well as I do he's not okay" she said as Butch sighed and walked to her locker. "Look Blondie. you and I both know this is about Blossom and Boomer. We can't really do anything" he said as she nodded knowing the truth. "Butch. am I turning you good?" she said giggling as he shone his head. "nah." he said smirking as she nodded. "good. because I have a thing for bad boys" she said as Butch put an arm around her neck. "oh really now?" he said jokingly as he laughed. in the green boys mind, he was actually going good for bubbles. but now realizes her truth. he doesn't want to be bad. just bad enough for her. "so Blondie. I'll see you later" he said walking away. "your not coming to class?" he asked as he shook his head. "got detention." he said as she rolled her eyes laughing. "keep this up and I won't be able to see you" she said as he laughed walking away. the blue girl saw her red headed sister. "Blossom" she whispered walking to her. but the pink girl just ignored her looking down. her eyes were glossy, and looked like they were going to burst any second. "Fine" Bubbles said her voice cracking, she hated being ignored by her sisters. especially blossom. she walked slowly to her seat by the window. it's been about 3 days since they started ignoring each other. it wasn't long but it wasn't normal.

"Blossom we need to talk" Butch said sternly to the pink girl. She looked down ignoring him and walked to her locker. "Pinky! I mean it!" he yelled as people just stared for a minute. "why? just because your dating my sister doesn't give you the right to talk to me!" she yelled as he scowled at her. "This is stupid. Bubbles is worried, your sister is in the hospital, your 'boyfriend' is going emo, and you don't give a fuck!" he yelled as she looked at him straight in the eyes. "look green bean! I don't give a guck because, boomer is on drugs, bubbles is dating a bad boy, and buttercup drive this all to herself" she said as he scoffed. "you blame everyone but yourself" he said walking away. "where are you going?!" she yelled as he rolled his eyes. "to watch Bubbles play. unlike you I care!" he yelled walking away with Blossom is fury. "SCREW YOU!" she yelled after him. she started to feel the droplets of water in her face. "Shit" she whispered flying away toward her apartment. she looked at herself in the mirror. she looked horrible. "You know what!? I don't need no man!" she screamed at herself in the mirror. she punched it as the mirror broke and covered her hand in blood. she hissed letting the blood fall.

"Screw you Butch. Screw you."

A/N: hey! hope u like this chapter. the powerpunk girls might be in the next chapter. I don't know. lol. anyway, how many likes can we get this chapter!?

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