Textes and Questions

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"Wait! what!" The raven haired boy yelled in confused outside of his room. where bubbles hides inside. "That's what happened. brick just texted me" boomer said showing his green brother to shocking text about the green sister. "does Blossom know?" butch asked as boomer shrugged looking away. "blossom hasn't texted or said anything to me at all since.....then" he said walking toward his room slamming the door. butch sighed running his fingers through his spiky hair. opening the emerald green door, the blond girl sitting on the dark green bed awaiting the news. "butch. what's wrong?" she asked noticing the worry in his eyes. "um. buttercup's at the hospital" he said as she stood up and eyes full of worry. "What happened!?" she yelled as he covered her mouth. "opps" she whispered as he sighed and shrugged. "she's worried. it just came all of a sudden." he said as bubbles sighed and walked to the balcony. "this is all my fault" she said as he hugged her wrapping his arms around her waist. resting his head on her shoulder he whispered "this has nothing to do with you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. your perfect" Butch said as she turned to meet his face. inches apart. "butch. I know Im not welcomed at home. but I miss them." she said sighing looking down her bangs covering her beautiful natural blue eyes. "hey. look at me" he said holding up her chin lightly. Her blushed face turning to him. "you are perfect. they just need time to cool. don't worry." he said as she blushed a light pink. "we'll see them soon" he said as she nodded.

The red haired girl sighed sulking and staring at the white wall. her phone buzzed as she glanced at the caller. Boomer <3. she felt tear well up and ignored the call. 13 voice mails. all from Boomer. she couldn't bare to talk to the blond boy. for her heart couldn't take it. it was enough Buttercup hated her, Bubbles running away, and losing her friends trust. she sighed looking at the clock ticking by her miserable life. 12:00 am. it was a Sunday, and she was starving herself. groaning she made her way to the small kitchen.

"Brick?" buttercup asked the red boy as he sat next to her hospital bed. "what's up?" he asked as she turned her head. "is blossom okay?" he could sense the guilt in her trembling voice. nodding his head but spoke "yeah. but, we can't talk to her. she keeps ignoring our calls. especially boomers." he said as the green girl groaned in guilt. "I shouldn't have said those things. now boomers heart is breaking little by little" her guilt consuming her. "buttercup. calm down." he said holding her arm lightly. he sighed sitting up. "I'm ready to go home" she said as he nodded fetching the doctor.

That night, as bubbles got into bed, well butch's bed, wearing a thigh high night gown, hair down and white socks. And mists importantly her special necklace. Butch wearing green shorts no shirt and black socks. "Bubbles. do you want to run away?" butch asked as Bubbles thought for a moment. this is the fifth time he had asked her. "no. Not tonight." She said sighing as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you okay?" he asked as she sat up looking down. "I'm okay. just nervous" she said as he rose a brow. "about what?" "there's the school play. and it's about Cinderella. I know I'll get the part. I just don't want to kiss another guy" she said trailing off on the last three words. "why? we haven't kissed yet" he said admitting the truth. "I know. but, I can't" she said looking into his eyes. "well, would you like to kiss now?" he asked smiling while laughing a little. "I uh, don't know" she said as he smiled. "tell you what. I'll surprise you. you'll never see it coming" he said kissing her forehead as she later on the bed. "um. butch?" she asked a little embarrassed. "yeah?" he asked stopping at turning around. "w-why don't you sleep with me. s-since you know. it's your bed and all." she said as he laughed walking over again. "are you sure?" he asked as he nodded fast. her eyes saying 'yes yes oh big daddy yes!' but her mind saying to control her lust and sleep. "okay." he said slipping next to her. even though the bed was big, they were still close to each other. bubbles nuzzling into Butch's chest as he hugged her into his warm arms.

With Blossom she was listening to the rain fall and her voicemails. 1 new voicemail. "Blossom. please pick up the phone. I need you. please talk to me. I can't bare seeing you like this. don't ignore me. please." said boomer as she deleted the last voicemail. she too felt her heart dying away. "I'm. I'm sorry." she said crying. her tears of sadness flowing like a never ending river of sorrow.

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