what it would be like to date five

638 10 4

writers block.

i have no ideas for imagines so heres just a thingy ma jig.

pls request things :))


he has a soft spot for you, but only at certain times.

is a big fan of cuddles, but very shy when it comes to actually hugging.

he will definitely make fun of your height even though he isn't that tall himself.

makes you marshmellow and peanut butter sandwiches even if you don't want one.

forces you to drink coffee in the morning with him.

will spatial jump and take you, without warning.

makes sure he smells nice before coming near you, bc he extra like that 🤪

will never be amused when you make fun of him, making you laugh more.

tries to reach your level of humor.

eats the unwanted food when you've had enough.

when you are upset he will hug you for ages and help you calm down by wrapping you in blankets and maling sure you are cosy.

is abnormally jealous when one teeny tiny thing happens in public.

doesn't hold your hand but, will hold you by the waist.

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