Chapter 7: The New Kid

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3rd Person POV:

1 Year Later

It had been a year since the death of Nick and George. 1 year since they lost one of their closest friends and their leader. Alby had stepped up and taken charge after Nicks death, but that didn't mean that everything went back to normal. 

Some people still had deep scars in their hearts, and some even had deep scars in their souls. One of them being Y/N. She could never forget how Nick confessed his love for her on his death bed; how George had cried and pleaded for her to save him. She would wake up sweating and crying from the nightmares. Newt would also wake up, his heart breaking into pieces as he saw the love of his life in tears. He would soothe her, rubbing her back and kissing her face until she was able to calm down. 

However, the nightmares seemed to be getting worse and worse. Some memories also seemed to be surfacing. She had told Alby and Newt, but she still couldn't seem to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen, soon. She would remember bits and pieces of her life before the maze. Faces were blurry but the voices were clear. Her mothers, her fathers and even a young boy who called her 'Sissy'. She never understood what they meant, but all she knew was that they were all important to her.

 Now, Y/N had come back from her regular run with Minho. Anyone could tell that was tired, sore and frustrated. But more than anything, she missed running with Newt. 

A few months back, Newts had tried to commit suicide. He had given up hope of ever getting out of the Maze, so he decided to end his life. Or at least, try to. He ended up not succeeding and was rushed to the Med Jacks after Minho found his body while running.

 The moment Y/N laid her eyes on him, she knew her world would be over if she lost him. He was the only thing holding her up after all the two of them had gone through. Y/N refused to leave his side for the entire time he was in the Med Hut. She wouldn't eat, sleep or even go to use the bathroom. It took Alby threatening to make her sleep in the pit until Newt woke up for her to finally go and freshen up.

 Once she was washed and fed, she made her way back to the hut, only to see Newt up and looking quite frightened. At that moment, All the rage, betrayal and pain she felt was washed away with the overwhelming feeling of love and relief. "Oh Newt!" she cried, running into his arms and sobbing happily as he hugged her, pulling her into his lap as they laid down on the small bed. 

Newt felt tears trickling down his face as he heard Y/N cry about how she thought he would never wake up. "You were unconscious for 3 weeks, I thought that I would never hear your voice again, or feel you hug me. I was so scared I had lost you..."She whimpered, holding tightly onto his shirt as she buried her face into his neck, afraid he might disappear if she let go. Newt looked down at her, his heart swelling with guilt and undying love for her.

 "Oh, baby... I am so sorry. What I did was selfish and wrong. I was so scared that we would never get out of here... I just wanted it all to end. But the minute I jumped, I regretted it. The minute I lept off the wall, all I could think about was you. " He whispered, kissing her head as he smiled lovingly at her.

"I would miss your laugh, your smile. How you would kiss me every time you saw me. How you would hold my hand as we walked or talked. How you would climb into my lap and cuddle with me at random moments during the day. How soft your lips were whenever we kissed. How soothing your touch was. I love you, more than humanly possible. You are my world, my love. I am so sorry that I did this. I feel so pathetic..." Newt whispered, hiding his face out of shame.  

Y/N gasped, pulling herself from his embrace just to hold his cheeks lovingly. "Oh, darling. Please don't feel like that. You are not weak, or pathetic. I will admit, I felt hurt and betrayed that you did such a thing. But what hurt the most was that the love of my life was in pain, and I didn't see it. I feel like such a failure as a girlfriend. I am sorry for not comforting you when you needed it. I love you immensely and I really want you to know that you are not alone. I love you. You are never alone, okay Newtie?" She asked, kissing his lips lovingly.

"You did not fail at anything, sweetheart. I promise you that..." Newt smiled as his eyes filled with tears. He crashed into her embrace once more, feeling as though he was at peace just by being in her arms. They spent the rest of the evening together in each other's embrace.

 Once Newt found out about his limp, he knew he couldn't run with Y/N, which broke his heart. She reassured him that she would be okay and that she would run with Minho. He smiled as she kissed him every time she spoke. Alby had given Newt the job as Second in Command so that he wouldn't feel as though he was making a contribution. Plus, he deserved that spot. 

Now here Y/N stood, smiling as she saw Newt out of the window, talking to some of the Builders about some renovations needed. Y/N's room had now been used as a spare room or sick room since she never used it. Y/N made eye contact with Newt through the window, sending him a quick wink and grin before pointing to the bathroom with her head. 

Newt cocked an eyebrow teasingly, causing her to bite her lip and walked towards the shower. She and Newt had been intimate with one another since being in a relationship, so it was never a real shocker when one of them made a suggestion like this. Y/N stripped off her clothes and stepped under the warm water, soothing her aching muscles as she washed off the sweat and grime from the day.

 Soon, she heard the sound of the door to the bedroom opening, causing a smile to make its way onto her face. She soon felt a pair of strong yet lean arms wrap themselves around her naked middle, causing her to sigh and fall into their back. 

"How was the run, love?" Newt mumbled against her soft, wet skin. Y/N smiled, sighing as she told him about the run and how it was pretty mundane. Newt stood still and nodded along, listening to her as he massaged the shampoo into her hair, causing Y/N  to fall silent occasionally as she enjoyed his soothing touch. After the two of them had showered, Y/N  smiled, asking him what he had done today as they got dressed. 

Newt told her about the tasks and meetings he had with the other Keepers and Alby. "Chuck came by this morning after you had left, said he had something he wanted to give you," Newt informed, watching as Y/N smiled fondly at the mention of the little, chubby boy. 

Chuck was the current Newbie of the whole group. He was no older than 13 and was pretty short and stocky. He was a Slopper but was the sweetest boy she had ever met. She mentally made a note to go and take to the boy after dinner since he was currently busy with his tasks for the day. 

"We're getting a new Greenie today, aren't we?" Y/N asked curiously as she sat down on their bed, laying her head against the wall as New placed his foot on her lap, groaning in comfort when she rubbed his knots out of his sore ankle.

"yeah, we don't know when but-oh god baby- he'll be coming up today-Mmm that's nice..." Newt sighed happily as she rubbed his sore leg. "Babe, you should really ask Jeff for another pain killer before going to bed, you really over-worked yourself hard today..." Y/N sighed, working on his other leg as she talked to him about random thoughts and silly dreams. 

After spending hours just talking and being with one another, the faint sound of the box coming up along with the blaring aam caught everyone's attention. "Well, looks like it's Greenie time~" Newt sang as he helped Y/N up, kissing her passionately before they both made their way to the box, holding hands as they walked towards the others. 

Once everyone was gathered outside the box, they all waited for the doors to unlock before Gally dove into the box, helping the terrified boy up. H looked around their age, maybe a little older. He had stunning brown hair and deep hazel eyes. His light skin was littered with moles and his lips were slightly parted out of fear. 

"Welcome to the Glade, Greene. Rise and Shine~" Gally sang as he helped the boy out of the box, only for him to go running. 'Oh well, looks like we've got a-' "Runner!" Someone yelled as they watched the boy run towards the walls. Little did they know just how much their lives would change from this moment on...

Well, guys! I hope you liked this chapter!  hope you all enjoyed the writing and please remember to vote and comment! Love you all! Until next time~

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