12. I have no idea what to name these

318 17 47

ʚ 3:24 am ɞ


"It's 5 o clock in the morning
Conversation got boring
You said you're goin' to bed soon
So I snuck off to your bedroom
And I thought I'd just wait there (uh)
Until I heard you come up the stairs (uh)
And I pretended I was sleeping (uh) and I was hoping
It's 5 o'clock in the morning, and I want ya
And you want me, don't ya?
I can see it
Cause you've been waiting on me since I said that I was hittin' the club"

Jisung's hands slowly fell off the keys of the piano as his voice took a pause from singing before he started crying.

His head replayed the conversation with Seungmin and Changbin for hours to the point he couldn't sleep. The younger's broken "I'm sorry" didn't do him any justice. He didn't feel sorry at all for walking out. He didn't. Not one bit. The brunette was angry at Seungmin. He agreed to a date that he didn't even want to go to because he didn't even like the thought of love.

Why'd he say yes if he didn't even like me in the first place? Does he like me? Am I fool for believing? Did I somehow manage to change his mind? Does he really not feel the same way? Why does he flirt then? Was it all a joke? Was I a joke?

Question after question, raced through his head and yet no answers. The worst questions where the ones brought up by the voices. The ones telling him he wasn't good enough. He was a failure. Those were the voices that repeated itself everyday until he did something right. He heaved a sigh as he looked up from the piano keys he's been staring at since he stopped playing. He looked around the apartment. It was spacious. Of course it was spacious its a penthouse. It's been 10 months and he still hasn't unpacked all his boxes yet. He took a deep breath before getting up from the stool and walking over to one of the boxes.

Shit for the kitchen.

He smiled. He could tell it was Changbin's chicken scratch handwriting from a mile away. Jisung unpacked everything from the box and put it in it's respective place. He did that for a few more hours until he heard his phone ring. Picking it up he saw Chan's name pop up.

The dad that came back with the milk<3

"You called?"

"Where are you? I've been calling you since you left the studio with Changbin and he said you were sad or something i don't know"

"The guy I liked turned out to be an anti-romantic and truly didn't like me. I didn't really feel like talking to anybody" he said as he unpacked another box.



"Wait so where are you?"

"I'm home"

"Why do you sound out of breath"

"I'm unpacking"

"Jisung it's been 10 months are you telling me you never unpacked"

"I did unpack, but only the stuff that I use"

"Dear God" Jisung let out a giggle ad he kept unpacking.

"Want me to come over and help?"

"I mean if youre up for it"

"I'll be there in a few, hungry?"


"Cheesecake and tacos it is. See ya"

"I love you Channie hyung"

"Fuck you"


Jisung laughed as he heard the phone line go dead. He decided to take a break and wait for Chan. Few minutes later and he heard pounding on his door. "Open up bitch we got food" He hears Jeong-In yell. He playfully rolled his eyes and opened the door to be met with a blonde chan in sweatpants and a hoodie and Jeongin wearing a SpongeBob onesie with minnie mouse slippers. He looked confused but let the pair in. "You both look red carpet worthy" he said as the pair walked in. "Please the red carpet isn't ready for the cultural reset that is Jeongins outfit." Chan said handing Jisung the bag with cheesecake.

"Half these boxes are empty how long have you been up?" Chan asked. "I got home at nine last night and its currently 5am so I'd say you do that math I failed school." He said setting the food down in the kitchen. "You've been up for 9 hours and they call me the insomniac" chan said laughing. "That's cause you are" The youngest of the three says.

They all ate their food and joked around for a bit. "How long have you known?" Jisung asked as he stared at Jeongin. "Since highschool" He answers. "I'm guessing he told you what happened between us?" The elder nodded his head. "Well, after that situation, I've only seen him avoid every possible relationship moment that comes his way" Jeongin explained. "He went to see a therapist to deal with the guilt and she told him that he's an Anti-Romantic. That's how he find out and that's also how I found out. She also says he has Philophobia, phobia/ fear of love. But listen Jisung-hyung, you gotta understand. He doesn't do this because he's playing with your feelings, it's genuinely something he can't control even if he tries." Jisung slowly nods his head. Chan just sat there listening to everything that comes out his boyfriends mouth. He really liked Seungmin as a friend. He really never found a problem with him. He felt bad after what happened, Seungmin kept apologizing to him every chance he got. He never blamed him for what happened. If anybody understood drunk mistakes it was him, so he never blamed Seungmin. But watching the small boy break himself apart for everything that happened, day by day, month by month, year by year, it hurt him because he understood what it felt like.

"He really does like you Jisung, I've never heard him talk about anybody the way he talks about you. He truly adores you, heck if I had a say in this i would tell you he's in love with you. But he pushes people away on instinct, not on purpose. It's like a reflex of his and sometimes he doesn't even realize he's doing until it's too late. All I can ask you to do is to wait on him and just bare through it. And it's completely your choice if you want to even do it, just understand that's he's not a heartless bastard no matter how many people think so." Chan stated. "Now I feel bad for walking out on him" Jisung said. He got up and went to his front door slipping on his shoes and grabbing his jacket and phone. "Finish unpacking for me while you're here and if you're gonna fuck, use the guest bedroom" he says before slamming his door shut.

Jeong-In and Chan sat in the kitchen staring at the door. Chan looked over at the younger.

"Morning Sex"

"Yes Please"

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