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Sunlight shone through the window of the apartment bedroom. The air slightly chilly. The bedsheets spread across everywhere. Two bodies laid on the bed cuddled up into each other. The rays from the sun beat down on Jisung's face causing him to groan and to shield his eyes with his hand. Slowly he started to open his eyes and looked around. His naked back was pressed against Seungmin's bare chest.

He looked down and realized the sheet was covering both their naked bodies and Seungmin's arm was thrown over his waist. Flashback from earlier came to him and he blushed a deep red. Looking over at the clock, he saw it was only 12 in the afternoon.

He slowly shimmied his way out of the brunettes grip, grabbed his boxers from the floor and made his way towards the younger's bathroom.

Seungmin shifted awake once he couldn't feel the warmth. He looked around, remembering everything that happened earlier. He heard the bathroom door open and saw Jisung step out in his boxers and one of Seungmins hoodies that were 2 big for him. Jisung saw the smirk that rested on Seungmin's face and rolled his eyes. "Fuck off" he groaned before crawling back into the bed. Seungmin pulled the elder onto his lap. "Well aren't you just chirpy in the morning" he said. "I'm still tired can we go back to sleep." Jisung said as he laid down on Seungmin's chest. "No it's 12pm we gotta get up."

"But I don't wanna get up yet."

"Well too bad babyboy we gotta get up"

"HEY HEY nicknames are my thing not yours..... although I do like that one."

"Bold of you to assume I'm gonna stop calling you that anyway. C'mon let's get up" Seungmin said as he started to get off the bed, patting Jisung's thighs. He got up and threw on his boxers and a t-shirt. Jisung got off Seungmin and then got off the bed. He walked out the room heading towards the kitchen with Seungmin trailing behind him with his arms around his waist.

They both saw the others spread out in the kitchen and the living room. Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeong-in raided Seungmin's fridge. Chan, Felix and Minho were playing Mario Kart in the living room. "Why are you all here?" Seungmin groaned resting his head on Jisung's shoulder. They all turned their attention towards the pair and smirked. Jisung blushed again and hid his face in his hands. Seungmin laughed. "Soooo, did you have fun?" Jeong-In questioned. "Alot yes, thanks for asking" Seungmin replied ignoring the cocky smirk on his best friends face.

"Yeah we can tell, look at Jisung's neck and thighs" Minho said, examining his friend. "You put hickey's on his thighs?" Changbin asked. "Yeah, I like his thighs" Seungmin said. "I've never seen Jisung look so tiny before." Minho said. "I've also never seen Jisung bottom for anybody before." Felix laughed and went over to Seungmin, lifting up his shirt. "I don't think you were the only one that went hard." He said staring at the hickey's on Seungmin's chest and abdomen and the scratch marks on his back. Chan pulled Felix away from Seungmin and Minho from Jisung.

"Can we leave them alone now" he said laughing. They all protested but once Chan pulled out his disappointed dad stance they all calmed down and went their own ways around Seungmin's apartment. Seungmin and Jisung went back to the room to take a shower and get dressed.

~5 Minutes Later~

Jisung was blow drying his hair while Seungmin was brushing his teeth. Out of nowhere Jisung suddenly yelled, "HOLY SHIT!" Seungmin kept brushing his teeth unfazed by his boyfriends actions, that was until he noticed Jisung crying. "HEY HEY WHATS WRONG WHY ARE WE CRYING"  he asked. "You're my fucking boyfriend!!" The elder sobbed out. Seungmin and his heart attack didn't go away. He stood there and stared at Jisung for a full blown five minutes.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." Jisung's eyes widened and he made a run for it. He ran into the living room and hid behind the strongest person there, a confused Changbin. Seungmin ran into the living room. "If you're trying to hurt Jisung, unfortunately no matter how much I want you too, I actually sorta love him so I can't let you do that." Changbin said once he saw Seungmin.

Seungmin rolled his eyes and grabbed Jisung and threw him over his shoulder and went back to his room. Jisung was screaming for help and the others just stood and laughed. "I'm sorry" Jisung apologized. "Mhm, I'm sure you are."

"Oh crap I gotta tell my fans about us." "Oh right."
"Ugh I deprived my poor babies of Seungsung content I'm such a bad father."
"What the fuck is a Seungsung?"
"Our ship name duh"
"dear lord"

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