Life or death pt.2

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As night became day nothing had changed,
Y/n was still unconscious. Tsunade and the rest of the medical nin working on her, still racing against the clock. They worked on her all night switching with different medical nin, they still had no idea what happened or how this much damage was inflicted on her body. But they did know one thing which was she was either going to die or live, but that choice was up to Y/n and if she wanted to fight to stay alive.

Rose,Hope and Lucy were thinking of ways to make it look like she did this to herself, but everything they came up with would fail if they tried it. They didn't want to except that the only thing they could do was tell the truth, that they were the ones lying so they could have what she had. They wanted to be respected like how the L/n clan was, they wanted the life that they had. The life that was peaceful, the one were the clan cared for each other. But now they were trapped in the lie they told they knew that the truth was going to come out one way or another.

Tenten had sent a letter to Kankuro,Temari and Gaara to let them know what has happen to Y/n. When they received the news, they were worried for there friend. They sent a letter to Tsunade to asked for permission for them to come to the village which she responded right away and aloud them to come. They set off to the hidden leaf village only resting when needed,they kept going through the night taking small breaks here and there. By dawn they had reach the gates of the village, after they got into the village they went to the hospital were they saw Naruto sitting by himself. They joined him, waiting for the others to get here.

When the others got there they were all just as worried for her. They didn't know what to do other then wait for the news, the news that would either make them relieved and happy or the news that was going to break them. They didn't know who they should believe right now, they didn't know if Rose,Hope, and Lucy were telling the truth or not. But they knew that they needed to find out who was telling the truth the whole time and who was lying to there faces. They needed to talk to Rose,Hope and Lucy soon, they wanted to talk to them today since they were still waiting for news on Y/n's condition.

No ones pov

"Lord Orochimaru" Kabuto said as he kneeled in front of him

"So Kabuto did you do what I asked" He asked

"Yes I did" Kabuto said

"Do you think it worked" He hissed out

"It worked even better then we thought she is completely broken" Kabuto said

"Wonderful now only a matter of time until she comes to me for power" Orochimaru said as he licked his lips

"Lord Orochimaru we may have a little problem that could interfere with the plan" Kabuto said

"Which is"

"Her friends are all there and it seems they are going to find that they have been lied to very soon" Kabuto pointed out

"They can find out all they want Y/n's not going to except there apologize right away they well need to work for it" Orochimaru hissed out

"And by that time she most likely well be coming to us" Kabuto said

"Right now how broken do you say she is" Orochimaru asked

"She blames herself for the massacre of her clan" Kabuto told him

"Good very good"

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