Telling them some of the truth

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It's been about three days since we got to Tazuna house and Kakashi-sensei still hasn't woken up yet I guess he really did use up a lot of chakra when he used his sharingan

The rest of the team sat by his bedside and help take care of him but me I didn't really want to do that I mostly went out to the forest to think or just stay in my room and read sometimes I even went into the forest to train and use my Kekkei Genkai's the first one I did was my Sharingan then after a hour or so I would switch to my Byakugan then work with that for a hour then I would do my Sharingan and Byakugan combined then after that I would stop for a while and go back to house

I was helping with the cooking when I heard someone run down the stairs so I turned to see Sakura
"What is it" I asked
"Kakashi-Sensei he woke up come on" She said between breaths

And with that we ran up the stairs to his room when we got there I saw him sit up talking with Naruto and Sasuke

"Good now that all of you are here I want to talk about Zabuza" he said
"What do you mean isn't he dead" Sakura asked
"No he not Sakura" I told her
"So you notice to huh Y/n"Kakashi asked
"Yah" I said
"Huh what's going on you said he was dead Kakashi-sensei you even check his pulse and said he didn't have any"Naruto said
"True Kakashi-sensei did check his pulse and said he didn't have one but Zabuza wasn't actually dead he was just in a state that made it look like he was dead by making his heart stop for a little and also  the weapon that was used on him was senbon needles which normal can't kill you unless they hit your vital stops" I told them

"Huh your very observant good job" Kakashi-sensei said
"So your saying he's not dead" Sakura asked
"No the tracker ninja that was with him was mostly likely working with him" I told them
"Ok so what do we do then"Pinkie asked
"I am going to train you" Kakashi said
"But you have to rest" Sakura said
" I can still train you three" he said
"Wait you mean four not three" Naruto said
"No I mean three because Y/n has already learned what I am going to teach you so she can stay here but before we go I have a question Y/n" he said
"Ok what is it?" I asked sheepishly
"How do you have the sharingan" Kakashi asked
"Yah how Sasuke said that only his clan has it"Sakura said
"If you want the truth I don't know but also I don't just have the sharingan" I said
"What do you mean by that" Sasuke asked
"Well I also have the Byakugan as well" I told them
"Huh how do you have both"Naruto asked
"Can you show us Y/n" Kakashi asked
"Um yah sure" I said

After a few seconds passed I whispered Sharingan and looked up

Sasukes pov——————

I heard Y/n whisper Sharingan and when she looked up her eyes were red I couldn't believe that she had me clans eye let alone that she has already mastered it and she is only 13 I mean she's not the only one who mastered it young because Itachi mastered it young

"How old were you when you activated it" I asked
" I was 5" she said
"How old were you when you mastered it" I asked
"It only took me a year so I was 6 when I fully mastered it why" she asked
" No reason" I told her

" she was able to master it with in a year she was younger then Itachi was when he mastered his" I thought to myself

Kakashi pov————

When I saw her eyes I was a bet shocked to see that she had already mastered it but when Sasuke asked how old she was when she got it and she said 5 I was a little shocked because that was young but when Sasuke asked asked how long it took her until she mastered it and she said only a year I was surprised at how fast she learned to use it

Y/n pov————

After a few minutes passed I move on to my Byakugan right after I said it me vision enhanced and I could see there chakra network and also chakra points

"If your wondering I got my Byokugan when I was 7 and mastered it when I was 9" I told them
"But how"Sakura asked
"I don't know but I came up with my own Kekkei Genkai were I combined both the Sharingan and Byakugan  into one eye" I told them
"Can we see" Naruto asked

I nodded
"Sharingan and Byakugan combin" I said

They all look shocked other then Sasuke since he doesn't show emotion

Kakashi pov————

I looked at eye her eyes now light purple like the Bayokgan but had the marks of the Sharingan I was surprised that she was able to do that

Y/n pov————

I sat there thinking if I should tell them about my other eye and I chose that I should I mean  they have the right to know since we are on the same team after all

"Umm I also have the Mangekyō Sharingan" I told the as I play with my hands
"What!" Both Sasuke and Kakashi yelled
"Y/n how do you have that" Kakashi asked
" I don't know but I have only used it once or twice maybe three times but only because I had to" I told them
"Wait what is that" Naruto asked
"It's were if I was using it and you looked into me in the eyes you would be trapped somewhere and I would have complete control on what happens were if I want to cause pain I can but you can't die so you would just be living it over and over until the time I put stops but time passes different to were let say it's been two days in that world it would have only been a few seconds here" I said
"She is right and it is very dangerous to" Kakashi said

After that Kakashi told them to get ready for training so we all left I went to my room to read until I needed to help cook or help with something else I knew they would be gone for most of the day so I just laid down with a book in hand and started to read

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