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When I opened my eyes they were blinded by the light. After my eyes got used to the bright light I opened them, I looked around and saw that I wasn't in the forest nor in a hospital. Instead I was in my room in on of the many Orochimaru's hideouts.

'How the hell did I get here' I wonder

I looked around my room a little more and saw that it hasn't change even though I haven't been here for a while. I was about to get out of the bed when a sudden pain shot threw my body making me freeze. I looked down at my stomach and saw it banged up.

"Damn" I mumbled

To be fair I forgot about that, although it's healed it's still sore which I don't understand why I mean the ten tails should of healed it all.

Hold on now that I think about it she did tell me that if I ever did something she didn't like or that she thought was plan stupid she would heal my wound but stop to were there would still be soreness.

'Damn you' I mentally cursed

I heard her chuckle

'It's not funny this shit hurts' I grumbled

'Actually it is will for me anyways' she said

'You have a messed up sense of humor' I told her

'Your saying it like you don't have a messed up sense of humor as while' she snapped back

'Hey if I remember we were talking about your messed up sense of humor not mine' I grumbled

She said something else but I tuned her voice out. Let's see how can I get out of here with out them realizing.

I came up with many plans but all of them would fail no matter what I thought of non of them would be successful.

I groaned

"This is more trouble then it needs to be" I mumbled

I was about to try and stand when I sensed someone's charka heading my way, I focused on the charka signature and realized it was Kabuto.

"Damn it's the pedo"

I laid down and closed my eyes to make it look like I was still unconscious. I heard my door being opened.

"Tsk wake the fuck up I know your pretending to be asleep" he said

I opened my eyes and glared at him, one things for sure I got better at my glare. One time after I returned to the village Naruto took something of mine with out asking and I glared at him and he was so scared he actually give it back and bought me ramen as a peace offering. I mean I wasn't complaining it was free food.

"How did I get here" I asked coldly

"Simple Sasuke found you unconscious in the forest and brought you here" he stated

"Like no duh" I said sarcastically

"I see your attitude hasn't changed" he mumbled

"And I see your still a pervert"

"Why you little-" he was cut off by the door opening revealing the snake himself

Okay I know this may sound insane and completely crazy but you know it's me where talking about I am a little psychotic at times but anyways, I just realized that Oro-pedo is actually kinda hot.

'Damnit I seriously have problems' I thought

'And your just realizing that now' The ten tails taunted

'Shut up no one asked you' I snapped back

I took my gaze off of Kabuto and looked at Orochimaru, I was analyzing him to see if he had anything up his sleeve. Although let's be fair it's Orochimaru where talking about he always has something up his sleeve.

"Well good to see your awake" He said

"Yah now can I go" I asked with pure boredom

"You can't leave you just got here" he chuckled

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was clearly amused by this.

But seriously what did I expect him to say I mean it's not like he's going to say 'oh yah go  ahead feel free to leave whenever you want' nope. Orochimaru always has a plan no matter how hard you try he will always most likely be one step a head of you.

"What do you want" I asked with pure venom dripping from my voice

With this he smirked

"Simple really all you have to do is marry me" he said with a smirk

"The fuck there's no way in hell I'm gonna marry you" I yelled in surprise

Like come on with everything you could want you asked that, Actually I shouldn't expect anything less from him.

"I knew you would say no but think it over I mean it's really your only option" he chuckled

I looked at him and saw darkness in his eyes

'What's he planning' I thought

He obviously knows that I'll say no ever time he asked so he has to be planning something. Come on think Y/n what would he do to get you to marry him.

Will for one he could attack the village although that wouldn't make me agree to marry him. He could take Naruto hostage although Naruto being the loud mouth he is he most likely will either get on his nerves or annoy him to death. I mentally chuckled at my thoughts, now Naruto annoying Orochimaru is something I would actually want to see.

" Will leave you for now but do think of my offer my dear oh one more thing before I leave I have a gift for you Kabuto" he said

I looked over at Kabuto and saw him pull out a needle, I tried to get away but being on a bed and having pain shoot threw you almost every time you try to move doesn't help.

Kabuto grab my arm and put the needle in, he then injected me with whatever was in the needle. I looked at him then Orochimaru, I saw a smirk forming on Orochimarus face.

"Fuck you" I managed to say before darkness took over and I feel backwards my head leading on my pillow

"Do you know what he injected me with" I asked the ten tails with slight panic

"I'm sorry I don't though I can only assume that whatever it was isn't good" the ten tails said

I groaned out of frustration

I wasn't able to get a summon out in time to tell Tsunade where I am.

"Oh I just realized you never told me your name I only ever called you ten tails" I told her

She smiled sweetly at me

"You can call me Luna" she told me

"Very well Luna it is"

I know I should still be freaking out but it's not going to change anything, it's not going to make me wake up. So for now I just need to wait and see what happens when I wake up.

I mean it's not all that bad I have Luna to keep me company.

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