Part 8: Chad

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I was woken by Hayley. It was 4 am. I couldn't really understand her through the tears and my tiredness. She was sobbing telling me it's all her fault.

"What is it?" I asked still dazed from being woken up.

Through her tears Hayley replied in a shaky voice. "Chad's dead." She leaned on my shoulder and kept crying. My face froze. I never liked the guy. In fact I had to pretend to be sad when they broke up. But, dead? Holy shit that's like-. I've never known anyone my age to die. Sure grandparents and other older adults but no one so young. My spine shuddered and my heart aches for Hayley. Sure i thought he was a dick but Hayley really did care about the guy. Dick or not.

I looked down at Hayley laying on my shoulder. I took her shoulders and sat her up in front of me. I stared in to her eyes. "Calm down, what happened. Whatever it was it's not your fault. You will get through this. I'm here." I gave her a weak smile and tried to look as assuring as possible.

Hayley looked down at her hands. "Thank you." She said, wiping her nose. "They don't know who did it. They found him lying in an alley downtown."

"Oh, Hayley." I said sympathetically. More tears fell from her eyes. "We'll find whoever did it I promise."

Hayley didn't say anything she kept staring down. I pulled her in to a hug. I don't know how long we stayed like that. I just hoped it helped Hayley. She eventually fell asleep in my bed, I tucked her in pulling the covers around her body. I walked into our kitchen looking for something to help Hayley. What do you give someone whose ex was stabbed. Weed? I shrugged and grabbed some Advil and a cup of water. I walked back into my room, Hayley still sound asleep. I stared down at her and placed the water and medicine down on the bedside table. Poor Hayley, she didn't deserve this.

~flashback scene over~

I rode the subway home. For once my head was empty. I should have been thinking about my next move. I wasn't mad, not really. I understand why Phoebe didn't tell me. It was justified. He was being a total perv. I just, this makes things more complicated. I should have been thinking about something productive. I should probably talk to Hayley. I should tell Blondie I know. But I don't want to think about how, 'hey so I snuck out to meet with your ex girlfriend and found out you helped cover up a murder 🤪!' I cant just say that. I mean I could. But I'm not going to.

The train pulled to my stop and I walked off absent-mindedly. It was about a five minute walk from the subway to Phoebes house. I walked slowly trying to give myself more time. I wandered through the streets not really paying mind to where I was going. I didn't check the time. I don't know how long I was walking for but my feet ached by the time I made it to Phoebes house.

I knocked on the door after hesitating briefly. I could see Blondies shadow through the door but it didn't open until a few seconds after I knocked. Uh oh.

"Where have you been?" Phoebe was standing in front of me. I hadn't had the chance to get through the door. Her face was impassive, but her arms were crossed. I don't know how to answer. Should i lie? I obviously don't have a friend with me. I didn't think this through.

"I was at the airport, like I said?" Shit. What did I say to give myself away? Did Taylor tell her something? Is this some kind of plot to break us up?

"Where's your friend?" Phoebe asked. I tried to walk through the door but she moved with me keeping me outside?

"What's up with you?" I asked half joking.

"Where. Is. Your. Friend." She repeated more stern this time.

"I- I dropped them off at a hotel? You don't trust me?" OF COURSE SHE DOSNT YOUR LYING RIGHT NOW.  "Why won't you let me in? Phoebe?"

She sighed and looked at her feet. "You've been gone for four hours. Tell me where you went."

"Phoebe, please, just let me in."

"You know what? Forget it." She walked away from the door back into the apartment.

"What? No! Phoebe wait!" I walked in behind her and shut the door. I grabbed her arm to stop her. She snapped her head towards me looking scared. I looked down at my hand surprised to see my fingers clutching her bicep. I let go startled at myself. Phoebe backed away from me slowly. Her eyes were glassy and her bottom lip was quivering.

"Y/n I think you should leave." Phoebe looked terrified. I'd never seen her like this.

"I wasn't going to- I would never. Phoebe! I-" I was practically shouting. She couldn't think of me like that! I cant let her.

"WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!" Phoebe shouted back, tears flowing down her face.

"IM SORRY PHOEBE IM SO SORRY." I could feel the lump in my throat swelling.



"IM ALLOWED TO BE UPSET. YOU DID THE WRONG THING NOT ME!" She stepped closer to me. Her fear must have faded, or maybe she was just getting better at hiding it.

"I KNOW ABOUT CHAD!" I froze. I hadn't meant to tell her like that. Why did I say that. I could feel the tears pouring out but I didn't register them. I was stuck in suspended animation, shocked at my self, at everything that had happened. Phoebe was saying something but I couldn't hear her.

Phoebes POV

"I KNOW ABOUT CHAD!" Y/n screamed. My face fell. I had known she was lying the minute I saw her face. I could read her like that that you know? I shouldn't have screamed but its frustrating when you know they're lying straight to your face. How did she find out about- Taylor. The realization hit me and I sighed. Taylor must have told her.

Y/n looked so scared. She was breathing hard and staring into distance. I hated to see her like that. I walked towards her. I open my mouth not sure what's going to come out.

"I'm sorry. For everything. Y/n please I love you."

She didn't respond, just kept staring. My heart shattered. I loved her. I loved her with all my heart. She didn't love me back.

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