Part 6: Pancakes

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I felt awful waking up. Like a million hammers pounding on my head. Ughhhh I rolled looking out the window on the right side of the room. Just last night Taylor had been sitting in the chair just under it. I shuddered to try to shake her image from my head. The right side of the room felt shadowed. Like her presence had clouded up the whole side of the room.

Phoebe wasn't laying next to me but I could hear her singing from the kitchen. Her voice was smooth like honey. I could listen to it all day. The smell of something was wafting into the bedroom. I think it was bacon but there was a faint burning smell. I scrunched my eyebrows, it was getting stronger.

"AH FUCK MY TOAST!" I heard Blondie yell from the kitchen. I burst out laughing, some cook she was. Maybe she should just stick with salads.

"Oh, good your up," Blondie said walking into the bedroom. her face had flour on it and she was wearing an apron that read,  'This guy rubs his own meat'. I laughed again.

"Whaaat? It's my cooking apron. I found it at a garage sale! Isn't it great?"

"Yes, it is." I said smiling, "You've got a little..." I motioned to my forehead, the same spot the flour was on hers.

"Oh, uh." She was trying to wipe it off but desperately failing.

"No, no, it's right- no- here just let me get it." I stood up all the blood rushing to my head. I wobbled a bit but I eventually made it over.

"You look like a deer ." Blondie was laughing, I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! I'm the one helping you!"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." I cocked my eyebrow at her. She stared right back at me smiling. I was trying to be mad at her, but she was just so hot. That's embarrassing to think. I started whipping the flour off her forehead. There was some kind of sticky substance under the flour. Maybe it was syrup?

"What were you even making?" I said rubbing harder focusing.

"You look so cute when your concentrating," Blondie said winking at me, or I think she was. I was still staring at her forehead. She continued, "I was trying to make you pancakes. I know you like them so much. When that didn't work out I thought I'd try toast but.." Her cheeks flushed pink. The smell of burnt toast still lingered in the air.

"How but we just go out for breakfast?" I said. I think if I let her keep cooking she's gonna burn down something.

"Oh about that, it's 5 pm."

"WHAT?" I slept that late! I'm still tired. I rubbed my head.

"Why are you making breakfast?" I asked still dazed from what felt like a time skip.

"I thought it would be easy to make?" Blondie said like it was the most obvious answer ever. "Plus I heard talking about ex's over pancakes is easier." I felt goosebumps run up my arms. Right, Taylor. The charming wretch almost had slipped my mind.

"I guess we should go someplace with edible pancakes then huh?"

"Hey!" Blondie playfully whacked me in the arm with the spatula she'd been holding.


. . .

We were sitting in an old-timey diner. It had been harder to find pancakes than I thought it would be. The server gave us a weird look when I ordered pancakes at six.

"Soo, what's the cafe?" I said pouring syrup on my stack of pancakes.

Blondie sighed, "When I was younger, like 21, me and some friends... Old friends, we, well we-" She sighed again reaching for the salt in between us. She had ordered cheese fries.

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