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The Cafe


*3rd person pov*

Aizawa shouta is a hero well underground pro hero. His quirk is erasure. Erasure lets him erase people's quirk. If he closes his eyes his quirk stops working. Downsides to this quirk bad dry eye. Pro hero name is eraserhead

Aizawa walked in to the cafe he usually went to on mondays,wednesday and friday. Guess what today was Friday. The cafe was a small but cosy cat cafe. He would go at 10 a.m and then about thirty minutes later he would leave but sometimes stay even longer .

The main whole reason Aizawa went to the cafe was for coffee for his addiction and cat's. He was basically obsessed with cats.

Aizawa lived by himself with his cats. Since he lived by himself his cat obsession went as far as picking up strays and taking them home.

One of his favorite cats at the cat cafe was a black and white spotted cat. The cat had a right green eye and a red left eye. The cat was name Hercules. The cats gender was a male. Aizawa suddenly remembered how he found the cafe.

*Flash Back*

Aizawa was just getting finish with his shift when he feel on the floor. he looked to see what trip him it was a rock. he got up and dusted the dust of him. He was about to leave when something caught his eye,well more like his ear. There was a meowing. he tried to found the source but he realized it the meowing came from the small cafe in front of him

He looked at the sign that had the name of the cafe. The cafe was called cat's expresso. The name was interesting. he went inside and there were a lot of cat's. He decided to stay a bit and play with the cats. he ordered a pure black coffee. He sat down when a cat that was black and white with red and green eyes came up to him. he got his coffee and played with the cats and then left after. he later found out the cats name was hercules.

*Flash Back over*

Aizawa didn't even realize he was there opening the door. it was like he went on auto pilot for a moment. He walked inside waiting in line to order his coffee. You could almost say aizawa was a regular. All the workers enjoyed him going in to the cafe some enjoyed the fact he came to play with the cats or he orders and plays with the cats. Others enjoyed the fact he basically put money in their pockets. He was a coffee addicted and ordered at least 5 cups before leaving,so that's how he puts money in their pockets.

Finally it was aizawa's turn to order. He got a pure black coffee. he walked away after paying and went to go pet some cat's. After petting those cat's he went to go fing hercules. hercules was in a cat scratching post.

If someone asked aizawa if he knew who hercules was he would say yes. Of course he would of thought they were talking about hercules the cat, well no they weren't talking about the cat. They were actually talking about the god hercules.

You know hercules and Aizawa were actually similar in some ways. One way is they both didn't care about certain things. Another way is both don't like interacting in certain things. For example if all the cat's were all playing together hercules couldn't bother to get up and play. For aizawa it was basically the same situation except the substitute for the cats were humans. They also both don't like loud noises. They also like sleeping aizawa in his sleeping bag and hercules in the scratching post.

If anyone asked Aizawa who is his favorite cat, guess what he most likely say Hercules is his favorite cat. If Hercules was stuck in a room with a bunch of random people and Aizawa is in that room he most likely sit next to Aizawa.

Just as much as they were similar,they different to one's a cat the other human. One gets feed the other has to make his food. One doesn't have a job the other has one. While one is in a cafe the other is either teaching or saving people. One can talk,the other meows. One walks on his legs while the other walks on all fours.

Aizawa went to look at his clock and seen he was there for about a good 40 minutes. He only had about 20 minutes to get to his job teaching kids. Sounds boring guess what it is boring,oh well he has to make money one way or another.

The reason Aizawa is always tired is because he works. Wait no it's not that, well that's some of the reason. The reason probably is because at night he's saving people from,well other people. Then in the morning he has to teach kids how to become heroes.

He got up to go to work. A dreadful place if you asked him. In all honesty he thought about quitting a few times. Not only because they are loud but they are annoying, well I mean you really can't say this year is as much frustrating. The reason behind that is he expelled his whole class. In the end that just means a lot of less work for him. Who knows maybe he can catch up on some sleep with all that extra time he has on his hands.

He then happen to go on auto pilot once more. He then jumped across buildings to get to u.a high were he worked. If you asked anyone who didn't live there what they thought about him running on roofs they most likely say it was weird. Now if you asked a local they would tell it is nothing special just another day in their daily life.

When he finally arrived at the school he tried his best to avoid his best friend present mic. That reason is because well he's loud. And very successful Aizawa was he managed to pull it off. He got into his classroom and pulled out his famous yellow sleeping bag he then fell asleep.

He then woke up later a screeching and he knew exactly who that was. It was present mic and let's just say he tried to hide.

After a few hours at school he finally went home and took a nap. Well now I guess it is time for patrolling . All he knows is he is going to be really tired tomorrow and may just have to go to cat's espresso for a lot of coffee.
1127 words

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