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i was supposed to upload this last week on friday but i didn't have the motivation to finish it but since it is break i got some motivation because my mind is just running and i go to sleep late i finally finish it and should be uploading from now on. now i hope you enjoy and thank you for reading my story it is very appreciated.


[3rd person pov]

After that little motivational speech izuku gave to himself as words of encouragement. Which happened to actually oddly help him. He opened the door to the classroom. When he opened the door he the first thing he heard was someone getting lectured by a guy with glasses about being disrespectful and to take his feet off of school property.

Izuku wanted to go sit down but in order to do that he need to go past the two guys arguing which was going to be unpleasant. At the same time he was interested to see who the other guy was. As he was walking to his seat he made sure to look to the side to catch a glimpse of the guy. When he caught the glimpse of him he couldn't believe who it was. It was bakugou although he shouldn't have been as surprised as he was. He had always knew even when they were little that Bakugou was the best of the best.

After he saw him he tried to walk to his seat and not be noticed by bakugou which he oddly happen to do successfully. After what felt like hours but was in fact only like three minutes a type of thing that look like a worm but Izuku knew it was because he seen that sleeping bag a home all the time but for everyone they were a little freaked out by seeing that.

"Go somewhere else if you want to make friends,this is a hero course" Aizawa said which scared some of them because he could say it so bluntly and not think anything of it

Almost everyone else were already in their seats and the ones who weren't rushed to sit down

"Nice to meet you" Aizawa said while getting out of his sleeping bag

"Homeroom teacher" everyone minus Izuku and Bakugou yelled in shock

"You guys don't need to yell i'm right here anyways get up we're going outside" Aizawa said starting to walk to the classroom door

"Um excuse me not to be rude or anything but why are we going outside" Kirishima asked

"Well i guess i could tell you" Aizawa said but then just stopped

"So are you going to tell us or are we going to guess" Izuku said although that made everyone look at him which included bakugou who was shocked and mad to see him there

"DEKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" Bakugou screamed with a tone that you could hear his anger in

"Kacchan don't yell you are bothering people" Izuku told Bakugou

"Anyways like i was saying we are out here to take a quirk assessment test" Aizawa said

After a little they finally got outside and made their way to a field that was made of sand. They all stop in front of aizawa getting ready for him to tell them what to do.

"Bakugou you finished at the top of practical exams,right then try doing it with your quirk give it all you got" Aizawa told bakugou

Aizawa gave bakugou a ball to throw.

"DIE" Bakugou shouted as he threw the ball to the sky

"This is going to be fun" Mina said to everyone and at that moment Izuku knew she messed up

"Fun, The person in last place will be expelled how's that for fun" Aizawa said with a grin on his face

" Last place will be expelled but it's only the first day of school" Uraraka said shocked

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