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Out and about
*3rd person pov*

It had been about a week since izuku had passed out. He was put in his room they thought it would be nice for him to wake up in his room. Everyone was in class worrying about him.

Izuku had sat up with a groan due to the fact he was stiff. He had looked around to see the time since it was bright outside. He looked at the time and was confused. He wonder why no one woke him up.

He had got up and put on his uniform. He would have to explain to his dad why he had slept in. He had ran downstairs and ran out of the door. He should've grabbed breakfast but he was freaking out. He had ran to his classroom door and stopped in front of it trying to fix his uniform. He had then open the door.

Everyone's attention had turned to the door. They were all shocked to see izuku standing there in his uniform looking like a mess.

"Hi guys. Why did no one wake me up" izuku had asked. He got no response.

Everyone had all started shouting at the same time happy the izuku was up and moving around.

" quiet down" Aizawa had said to them as he turned to izuku

"Problem child you have been asleep since the sports festival" Aizawa had told his son

"When was that" izuku asked

"A week ago" Iida has said

"Oh" Izuku said trying to process it all not noticing bakugou walking towards him

"Oí you fucking idiot. Why would you push yourself that much. You could've got seriously hurt. Everyone was worried for you. Don't do anything like that shit again damn nerd" Bakugou said shocking everyone

"Oh ok Kacchan" Izuku said happy

"Um not to interrupt whatever this is but problem child you need to go home." Aizawa said

"Why" Izuku had said confused as why he couldn't stay

"You need to rest more. We don't want you back until Monday. By home I mean the apartment" Aizawa said confusing them. What did he mean apartment.

"Ok" Izuku said

"I'll have mic take you" Aizawa said not wanting izuku to wait for him to get off of work.

"Don't worry izuku we will visit you Saturday" Uraraka said with everyone agreeing afterwards.

Izuku had waved bye to everyone as he walked out to go home with a very happy mic because he had woke up. Although it look like he was crying for awhile. Now that izuku thinks about it Aizawa looked really tired.

[Time skip]
*Izuku's Pov*

It is finally Saturday. Why did it go by so slow. They said they would be here in 10 minutes. Now that o think about it they don't know Aizawa is my dad.

*ring ring*

"Hello" I had said in a dreadful tone

" hi" uraraka said in her usually perky voice that can be irritating at times.

"We should probably get going" I said trying to leave quick.

"Wow there izuku what's the rush" dad had said while grabbing the door.

"Nothing you know just want to get out the house" I responded trying to sounds convincing.

"Is that mr Aizawa" Kirishima had asked shocked

"Yea he's my dad, so can we go now" I said not wanting them asking anymore questions

"What the hell do you mean dad you fucking nerd" Bakugou had yelled at me like damn chill

"What happened to the caring bakugou that yelled at todoroki for hurting izuku" Denki said mockingly

"I'm sorry what did you say" Did I mishear that. Bakugou caring for me as if

"Oh when you were unconscious bakugou had yelled at todoroki for hurting you something along the lines of no one hu-" sero had said but was stopped by bakugou

"Let's just go already I don't have all fucking day" bakugou said irritated.

"Hey Denki what do you mean by yelled at todoroki" I had asked in a quiet manner not wanting bakugou to hear

"Oh he had yelled at todoroki for being wreak less and hurting you. He honestly cares about you izuku" Denki had told me. It had made me slightly confused.

We had continued our walking to the mall Fuck this is gonna be a long day. We ended up walking into the mall and exploring a bit until the girls had separated from us.

The rest of us had went to hot topic to find some things. I had saw this cute little cat poster and wanted to buy it but I had found this awesome nirvana poster. You know what fuck it I'm going to get both of them. I'm also going to get a keychain that had two sides kinda like how ying and yang is but is was a pretty moon and sun.

After I had finished paying for my things I had went outside and waited for everyone else. Hmm where are we going to go to eat. I would really love some sushi right now. We had decided to go to a buffet I did get sushi along with a bunch of food . We had decided we wanted to go to the store and look around. By the time we got out it had been dark. With that we had went our separate ways , we wanted a sleep over but some people couldn't go due to things they had to do in the morning.

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