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Meeting Again


*Izuku's pov*

I woke up to my alarm. Which is very annoying. I went to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I got dressed and ate. After I brushed my teeth.

I knew mom wouldn't drop me off at the cafe I worked at. There are three reasons she wouldn't that. Reason one is because it is me and she will never do anything for me either than giving me bruises and make me feel worthless. The second reason is because she is drunk which means she will stay at home all day. The last and final reason is because she doesn't know I work.

I finally headed off towards my destination which was about a ten minute walk, it wasn't that far.

I finally arrived at my safe haven the cat's expresso. I love all the cat's there they're all so cute and soft. I work as a cashier. All the people that stop by are all nice to everyone there.

Later on during my shift a man came in who looked like a hobo and ordered a pure black coffee. The man had a yellow sleeping bag with him which I found weird. I swear I seen him before. He looks so familiar. Oh well maybe I don't know him he looked at me like was an alien.

*Izuku's pov over*
[morning with Aizawa]
*3rd person pov*

Today is Saturday and Aizawa is well very tired. So he made an exception to go to cat's expresso because he felt like he was dead.

He got up and dress like he usually does which makes him look like a hobo. He gets mistaken as a hobo a lot. He left the house and got to the cat's espresso without nothing happening.
* Aizawa's pov*
I opened the door to the cafe and walked in. I waited in line to order my coffee. It was finally my turn to order.

"I will have a coffee please" I said

"Um what kind of coffee" the green hair boy asked

"Pure black" I replied

"Ok what's your name" he asked

"Shōta Aizawa"

"Ok thank you" he said

I walked over to where the cat's are so I could find Hercules. That kid seemed familiar. When did I meet him or was that someone else. I can't remember. Then it hit me I know where I met him.

He was that kid on the bridge. He was the kid I saved that night. I don't think he knows it's me. I finally got my coffee and sat next to Hercules.

The day after I saved him I tried to figure out the possible reason he tried to commit Suicide. He could have a few reasons on why but I don't know for sure. Maybe I should just ask him before I leave. There was the possibility he lives in a abusive house or gets bullied or something really terrible has happened to him. He could also be quirkless. Usually people who are quirkless commit Suicide because of being bullied or they can't take the fact they don't have a quirk.

After I finished my first cup of coffee I went to get another one

[timeskip ]
*Aizawa's pov*
I went up to the kid to talk to him. But I have no idea on what to say. I think I know what to say.

"Excuse me" I said trying to get his attention

"Who me?" he said while looking around to see if I was talking to someone else

"Yea you"

"How can I help you" he asked

"This might sound weird but I notice the bruise on your face and if you need any help please call me" I said while handing him a card with my number on it

"There's a bruise on my face?" he said

"Yea" there actually wasn't I needed to lie about that part I didn't want to look like some creep

"Oh um thank you" he said

"Bye" I said

"Bye" he said

After that awkward conversation I walked away and started heading in the direction of my house. Today was a long day. We met again but he didn't know it was me who saved him that night.
697 words

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