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Entrance Exam


[Izuku's pov]

It's been a few months since I started to live with Aizawa. I may or may have not called him dad while staying here. It wasn't my fault it just slipped out! I guess he started being a father figure to me.

I actually I got my quirk turns out I'm a late bloomer. I don't have to one quirk I actually have two quirks.

One of my quirks is called regenerate . The day my mom hit me faith that bottle is the day my quirk was forced to come out. It healed all my cuts. I can heal cuts on body and regrow a body part but I can't heal bruises.

My last quirk is called resurrection. I basically can bring back the dead. I can choose weather they are zombies or all the way back. I prefer zombies because the people died once I don't want to bring them back alive to suffer again in this world. I remember the first time that quirk came out.


It was a gloomy morning. I never quit working at the cat's expresso. One of the cat's died that morning. I went to pick the cat up and when I did I felt really sad for the cat. All of the sudden the cat started meowing. I was confused it was dead just a minute ago. As soon as I got home I told Aizawa about what had happen and he took me see a quirk specialist. Turns out I have two quirks.

[Flashback over]

I decided to go to u.a high. I still don't know what Aizawa does for a living. When I try to ask he just brushes me off and finds some type of excuse.

[day of entrance exam]

I woke up really nervous about the fact today's the day of the entrance exam. This all I have been thinking about this whole week.

It's been a few hours since I woke up which means time is going faster towards its time for the entrance exam.

I did what I always did. Which happens to be nothing much. Pretty boring if you ask me but i like it.

I had Aizawa drive me to the entrance exam. I still call him Aizawa even though he asked me to call him shota.

We had finally arrived and well I feel like I'm about to burst from all my nerves.

I stepped out the car and let me say I am shocked. U.A is really big and beautiful. I can't believe it I'm standing here! me out of everyone is standing in front of u.a! I hope I can at least make one person proud of me for making it this far but I don't know who that is or if there is even anyone out there that might feel slightly proud of me.

That's enough of my pathetic self pity. I'm here so I shouldn't feel so sad anymore unless I don't make it then I should feel sad. Here I go I'm going to do really well and with that I walked in the building to where the exam is taking place.

I sat down in a spot that I felt comfortable in. I looked around the room to see if I recognize someone but much to my surprise I didn't recognize anyone. Ah who I'm I kidding like I actually know anyone.

Present mic came in the room. They handed out papers. Apparently we had to have an written exam not that I should really be surprise. I haven't looked at the test but I know it would be easier for me then most people. I should finish in about an hour.

The test was actually really easy. I finished in 30 minutes. Now all I have to do is sit here and wait for everyone else to finish great.

Once everyone was done present mic started to zone out.

He finally stop talking and I wasn't paying attention so here I am standing in front of a huge metal door not knowing what I'm about to do. All I can do is hope for the best.


Robots I'm dealing with fucking robots. Not only robots but huge ass robots. I'm going to hope for the better. Here I go onto what seems like  my death.

I ran through the door and to the robots. Thank goodness for me I brought dead animal corpses. Well just birds. I could use the birds to open the panels and peck at the wires. In order for that to work I will have to bring them back as zombies.

It worked it actually worked. Yes maybe I could get enough points to get into u.a.

When the entrance exam was over I went back home. I talked a little with Aizawa and then went to sleep.
812 words

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