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Nobody's POV
1:36 PM

"Hi, mommy." Blythe said hugging Toni.

"Hi, my princess. Did you have fun at your dad's house?"

"Yeah." Toni helped her buckle into her car seat before waiting for the rest of her children. A few seconds Kandi came out of the house with a mean mug on her face.

"What's wrong?" Toni asked grabbing her daughter's bag and placing it in the trunk.

"Ma, Nicole cooked grits this morning for breakfast and they were watery. No biggie I just ate the pancakes and eggs, you know?"


"So she gon be like 'why are you not eating my grits?' So I said they were watery and she got mad at me. How are you gon ask me a question then be mad at my answer? Then she called me ungrateful cause I didn't wanna eat it."

"Oh no she didn't." Toni said beginning to get upset.

"Yeah, so she said 'The kids in Africa would eat it' so I said 'Give it to them 'cause I'm not eating it.' Also, Africa is one of the richest continents so they don't need any food."

"Don't worry about her baby. I'll deal with her." She nodded her head and Toni kissed her forehead.

"Where are your brothers and sister?"

"Still inside."

"Okay, I'll be back. Get in the car." She went inside the house to go get her other children.

"Denim, Diezel, and Bliss let's go!"


"Toni." Nicole said with an attitude seeing Toni at the doorway. Toni rolled her eyes before speaking.

"Nicole. Lemme tell you something don't you ever call my daughter ungrateful again just because she ain't wanna eat your nasty ass grits. Don't even try to call my children out of their names or do anything to them because if you do that shit again that will be your last mother fucking day standing I promise you that! Do you understand me?"

Nicole gulped and nodded.

"Glad we have an agreement." Toni smiled just as her children came downstairs.

"Hi, mommy."

"Hi, my babies. Are you guys ready to go?" Toni asked as they walked outside to her car.


Kandi's POV

"Bliss where's mom?"

"In the home studio with Blythe." I nodded my head and walked into the basement. I waved at Blythe who was sitting on the couch with earplugs in her ear.

(Studio in MM)

"Crazy it's déjà vu, I swear we been here before
If I say I'm sick of you, then how you the antidote?
And if I keep on taking you, I swear I might overdose
I should just let it go, but why can't I let it go." Mom sang. This whole album is about to be fire. I can already see it getting three Grammys.

"Hey, baby." She said coming out of the studio booth.

"Hi, what you doing down here?"

I shrugged, "I just wanted to hear you sing." She smiled. I absolutely love my mother's voice. I wish I could sing like her but I'm an actor.

"Can I spit some bars?" Blythe asked mom and we chuckled.

"Yeah go ahead, baby. Do you need a beat?"

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