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Kandi's POV
4:47 PM
March 2020

Five years later here we are, in the middle of our parent's divorce. Dad is still with that damn girl and I'm not too fond of that. I really want mom and dad to get back together but with dad seeing someone and us having a sibling from dad's side our hopes are really exceptionally low. But look at the bright side they both are wonderful parents.

Right now mom is driving us to Dad's house but I don't want to go because that little girl is so disrespectful. Her mother needs to put her in check. I do miss dad so I'm going to go.

"Call me before you guys go to sleep." Mom said. I looked out the window and we've arrived.

"Okay, mommy." Bliss and Blythe said. We got out of the car as mom waved at us driving off.

"Love y'all!"

"Love you too!" We walked inside the house and saw Nicole and dad on the couch watching tv.

"Daddy/Dad!" We said hugging him.

"Hey." He said. We didn't even say hi to his fiancée. Oh did I forget to mention? Yup, that's his fiancée. Not too fond of that neither. Nicole just be doing to much like everything she does just aggravates me.

"How is school going?"

"Good/great." We answered.

"Daddy I got an A+ on my spelling test." Blythe said.

"Me too!" Bliss added.

"What do you guys want as a gift?" They thought about it before answering.

"Um, a new American girl doll."

"Your wish is my command." He said.

"What about you three? Any good things happening in school?" Dad asked us.

"I made the basketball team." Denim said.


"I made the football team." Deizel said.

"Cool. What did your mother say?"

"She was happy for me, but she doesn't know that I'm a quarterback." In case y'all didn't know a quarterback is one of the most dangerous positions in football.

"You have to tell her soon son because if she finds out it ain't gonna be pretty. What about you Kandi?"

"I made the track team." I've been wanting to get into the track team for a while.

"Well since you guys did good in school how about we go out to dinner later?"


"Okay be ready at 7." Dad said. We nodded our heads and I walked inside my room while they walked inside theirs.


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I just got done finishing my homework and I was about to change my clothes when my door opened. I looked towards the door and there stood Bliss.

"What's wrong?"

'I lost my hearing aid.' She signed to me.

'Did you leave it in mommy's car?' I signed back to her.

'No, I had it when I came here.'

'Did you take a nap?' I signed to her. Sometimes it falls out when she takes a nap because she forgets to take it off. She nodded and I got up from my bed.

'Come on, we're going to go look for it.' I grabbed her hand and we walked to her room. I looked under her pillows searching for her hearing aid. I then felt under the bed and I found it. I placed it on her ear and turned the volume up a little.

"Is that good?"

"Yes thank you." I kissed her forehead and walked back to my room to get ready.


After we came back from the restaurant I went straight to my room to go and take a shower. When I came out I put my nightclothes on and got in the bed.

I FaceTimed the group chat that had all my siblings and mom in it. A few seconds later all their faces popped up.

"Hi, my babies."

"Hi, mommy."

"I miss you already." Blythe said pouting.

"Aww, baby I missed you too. You only have two more days with your dad and then you'll come back home okay?"


"How was y'all's day?"

"Good!" We all answered and mom smiled.

"Dad took us out to dinner since we did so good in school this week." Denim said.

"That was nice of him. Oh, guys guess who's coming over in two weeks? You guys have three guesses in total."

"Auntie Jada?" I asked.

"No, we just saw her last week." Diezel spoke.

"It's someone you guys haven't seen in a while." Mom said giving us a hint.

"Auntie Holly?" I asked.

"Nope. One more guess and if y'all don't figure out who the person is y'all won't know who it is until they come."

"Auntie Janet!" We exclaimed.

"Correct." We screamed in excitement. We haven't seen Auntie Janet since she gave birth to Eissa because she lives all the way in England.

"Is she bringing Eissa?" Bliss asked.

"Yes, I think so."

Score!! We talked for a few more seconds before we started to get tired.

"Good night mom we love you." We said at the same time.

"I love you guys too. Kisses." We kissed the screen at the same time.

"Sweet dreams." We waved at her before ending the call. I don't know about the rest of my siblings but I went straight to sleep after that call.


-Excuse any mistakes 💕

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-Excuse any mistakes 💕

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