Chapter 7

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They walked up to Matt's apartment and Emelia stopped at his table, setting down their food and Alessia. She began to break up Alessia's food for her and sat next to her to watch her. Matt sat across from Emelia and looked at her.

"So.." Matt started.

"So...I have been contemplating my feelings. And have decided just to lay it all out there and if you don't like it, that's fine. But....I-think-I'm-falling-for-you-but-I-don't-know-how-that-could-have-happened-'cause-we-were-just-friends-and-I-understand-if-you-don't-feel-the-same-way-but-that's-how-I-feel." Emelia sighed and looked at Alessia, her face turning red. Matt watched her closely.

"Em...look at me." Emelia shook her head. 

"Em, please look at me." Emelia didn't move. Matt got off of his chair and moved next to Emelia's chair, dropping to his knees to be eye-level with her. He put his hand under her chin and moved her to look at him. She looked at him and bit her lip. 

"Why were you so afraid to tell me that?" Emelia raised her eyebrows at him and laughed, shaking her head. 

"Why wouldn't I be so afraid? They're my feelings. The last time I felt anything....anything like this, I got hurt."

"Em, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Yeah, well that's what they all say."

"Well, then can I be completely honest with you?" Emelia nodded and watched Matt.

"I can't say that I'm not going to hurt you then, because chances are good that at some point in time I will inevitably hurt you. But I can say that I am not going to intentionally hurt you, that I never want to cause you pain and I do want to throttle anyone who does." Emelia smiled at his honesty. 

"Em, you know that my whole world revolves around you and your little girl already, so will you just make it official and become my girlfriend?" Matt grinned. Emelia's eyes widened and nodded. Matt leaned up slightly and kissed Emelia softly then stood up and went back to his spot across the table to eat. Emelia turned to her food and began to push it all around her plate while eating a bite here and there. Alessia finished eating and pushed herself back from the table and went into his Matt's living room, where he kept some toys for her. After a few minutes, she walked back to Emelia.

"Mama, what's this?" She handed Emelia a picture that she had found in Matt's living room. Emelia looked at the picture. It was a picture of Matt holding newborn Alessia in the hospital and Emelia smiling up at them. Emelia looked at Matt. Matt smiled and took the picture, walking to his room and putting it away.

"Just a picture, sweetie." Alessia, satisfied with that answer, walked off.

"How long, Matt?" Emelia asked when he came back.

"How long, what?" Matt tried looking innocent.

"Don't play dumb, Matt. How long have you....cared for me?" Matt pushed his food around now.

"Since we were about 16, maybe."

"You suffered through my relationship with Damon...why?" Matt shrugged.

"You're my best friend. I'm not gonna abandon you because you're dating...someone below you." Emelia chuckled softly.

"I'm glad you didn't leave. I needed you. Still do."

"Who else would you call when your laptop breaks down or when something sounds funny with your car?" 

"Really? You're gonna be mean and use that against me?"

"Yup." They contiued to eat in silence--other than Alessia's jabberings in the other room. When they finished eating Emelia looked at Matt.

"I should probably get Alessia home and in bed." Matt looked disappointed.

"But, if you'd like...because you have to drop us off anyway, you can come over to my house, help me get Ale in bed and we can talk." 

"Sounds good."

"Come on, Ale. We're gonna go home, sweetie." Alessia came running to her mom. They all piled into his car and drove back to Emelia and Alessia's home.

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