Little game.

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In Loki past While on Asgard He was visited by Kang.
"Who are you?? GU-" Kang covered Loki's mouth and took him to his office. Kang warns Loki about the future and tells him he can change it.
"So who is this Sylvie."
"She's practically you. But you need to understand the only way to change and save the future is for her to fall in love with you."
"Me? Someone love me? That's it? Simple enough."

"You being you won't change it you need to make her FALL for you!" Kang explains another time.
"You don't think I can make it happen. Do you?"
"Make what happen? You saving the Multiverse?"
"How about this I make her fall for me. You give me the throne without her."
"That's it? Are you sure about that?"
"Yes that's it I don't need her. I'm just doing you a favor for something in return."
"Deal. See you in the future Loki." Kang returns Loki to Asgard and waits for the future."

Loki and Sylvie enter Kang's office.
"You made it! Finally, Now that you finished your half of the deal I'll do my half." Loki eyes widened and remembers Kang from long ago.
"You..." Loki turns to Sylvie realizing she was who Kang told him about so long ago.

"Loki what is he talking about..?" Sylvie backs up away from Loki.
"You get what you always wanted Loki." Kang interrupted and handed Loki the watch thingy (I guess was a tempad.)

Sylvie realizes what is happening and starts to tear up. "L-Loki w-hat..?" Sylvie holds her dagger towards him and backs up more.
"Sylvie I can explain!"
"T-Than Explain!"
"He came to me while on Asgard long ago. He took me here and we planned the future, to save the future. We made a deal... he's now giving me his part of the deal."
"What was the deal!" Sylvie continues walking back as Loki slowly walks towards her.
" make you love me."
"And what was his part!"
"To rule the TVA...."
Sylvie eyes widened. "Has this been a con??" She looks at Kang sand back to Loki.  "So this was all for a throne! You set me up! What w-were you going to do with m-me after you g-got your throne?!" Sylvie voice started cracking when she started crying but she kept her dagger up.

"Sylvie...I was young I craved power I wasn't expecting it to be like this I swear!" Loki stepped closer to Sylvie but she kept stepping back.

"Sylvie... you have to believe me... That was before everything that happened. Before I got to know you." Loki reaches out a hand to grab her shoulder but Sylvie steps back and moves her dagger up higher. She looks at Kang "Is this true???" Kang nods his head quietly. Sylvie gasps. "You knew!" She turns around facing the bookshelf. She drops her dagger and balls up her fists.

Loki puts his head down in shame as he walks closer to Sylvie. He tries to reach her again, "DONT TOUCH ME!" Sylvie turns around and smacks his hand.  She runs off into the castle. Loki watches her but doesn't stop her. She needed space after all what happened to get here.

"You love her too don't you?" Kang asked.
"This seemed easier when you first told me."
"I never agreed with getting rid of Sylvie I just made a deal of you getting the job. Make it up to her." Kang gave him a Pat on the back and left the castle. He was finally free.

Loki goes to look for Sylvie upstairs he finds a door closes and sobbing inside of it. Her sons broke his heart as he got closer. There was a couch next to her door so he laid there. She still needed space if it got worse he would go in there. Once he sat on the couch though he couldn't handle her crying. All the guilt was killing him if he sat alone listening to her sobs.

He knocks softly and calls out her name. "Sylvie..." He stood there for a minute before the door opened. She rushes to him and hugs him for comfort.  Loki holds her tight and picks her up to bring her back into the room she was in. Sylvie tried into his chest as he carried her. "I'm sorry Sylvie." Loki whispers into Sylvie ear. Sylvie holds into him tighter as he sets her in the bed. Loki doesn't let go because Sylvie wouldn't let go and he doesn't want to either.

Sylvie calms down she nuzzles her head into his neck and responds with. "I'm sorry for leaving you down there." Loki kisses her forehead and lays down. "Get some rest you deserve it." Sylvie nods and gets under the blankets. Loki hesitated to snuggle with Sylvie so Sylvie makes the first move.

Sylvie snuggles into his chest as Loki wraps his arms around her waist. Loki conjures another blanket to keep Sylvie warm. "Is this snuggly enough now?" Loki asks Sylvie when they got comfortable. "Very comfortable, thank you." Loki smiled "My pleasure." He kisses Sylvie on her head one more time before they both fell asleep.

I make these at like 11 at night for some reason 💀

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