Chapter 11-1: "The First Hurtle to Cross" (Side- Fantasy)

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It's been a little over two weeks since I officially started here at Artemis. I may not have any real muscle yet, but with Yoshitabi's class and our evening sparring lessons together, my body's become much leaner. From what Riku Reality has told me, his lessons with Artemis are also going quite well. Apart from those two things however, nothing substantial has really happened. Well, aside from one little excursion I had the other day.

I decided to test the limits of my magic power in this world, and to do so, I went deep into the woods where no one would find me. I'm thankful there's no magical beasts I have to worry about in this world. It allows me to train without having to worry about being attacked randomly or being spotted by anyone. I got far enough away to the point where I wouldn't be easy to see even on the very edge of town. I was in a field of grass surrounded by trees in said forest as well, so it was the perfect spot for magic usage in secret.

And so, I tested out the output for several different elements as well as the effectiveness of the many ways I learned to use said elements in a fight. Needless to say, the results were less than satisfactory. My magic is no stronger now than when I had just started learning how to use my magic.

What makes a person's magic stronger is broken up into several parts. The first is obvious, in that you have to train with your magic in order to make it stronger. The next is getting your body used to using said magic so you don't end up destroying yourself from overusing your magic. And the last is your physical, mental, and emotional state.

If your mental and emotional state aren't kept in check, your magic will lash out accordingly. That's just common knowledge, no matter what world you're in. As for your physical state; the weaker you are physically, the less your body will be able to handle in terms of magic output. Your body will naturally only let you use the amount of magic power your body can handle to keep itself protected. Of course, you can always choose to force even more out, and if your emotional and/or mental state aren't in good condition, this will be even easier. Overusing your magic will not only damage your body, but it could also get you killed.

As much as I'd like to be able to use my magic power to the extent I did on my world, I doubt that'll ever be possible on this plane of existence. As Riki said before, what determines the power and likelihood of magic is also the magic particles in the air. With my physical state only just starting to become leaner, this body having no experience with magic usage whatsoever, and the laughable amount of magic particles on this planet, it's clear I won't even be able to use magic all that well for quite a while. Thankfully, I've managed to fit magic training into my daily, internal schedule now, so I will at least be able to get my body used to the magic flowing through it.

"I just hope nothing bad happens that will require me to use my magic in order to fight for a good while..." I think to myself as I'm currently walking back to my room after finishing another day of class. Normally I'd be thankful for the weekend for the extra relaxation time and more time to practice magic. However, Jira and Remi drag me everywhere with them on the weekends, so it's safe to say I won't be getting any relaxation or extra magic training time this weekend either. "I wish there was a better way to train my magic, but it seems going into the forest in the middle of the night, along with secretly using it in little ways throughout the day, is all I'll be able to do..."

As I'm about to walk into my room, I sense an all too familiar feeling. Someone is using magic, and they're close. I turn my head in the direction I sense it, but I don't see anyone or anything out of the ordinary. I narrow my eyes at the window I stare at, but that feeling neither vanishes nor gets more intense. "Ah, I get it. Someone is watching me." I concur internally and look back at my door, unlocking it.

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