Twilight (movies)

3 0 0

These movies are a disgrace to the books. Even people who like the movies can at least agree on 2, that one was especially shitty.

First off, none of the actors look like the characters they play. Aside from maybe Jacob and Alice. Maybe.

Second, these movies are wayyy to low quality to make them good anyway, they were screwed before starting production.

Third, why did you cast Kristen Stewart as Bella?? She has such weird acting in ALL of the movies! Like, you just dreamed about standing on a MOUNTAIN OF BODIES, and yet you act mildly startled and dont tell anyone. NOT EVEN YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND. The actress shows next to no emotion for all of the movies, aside from that one scene is Breaking Dawn pt 2 where she kicks Jacob's ass. Which he honestly deserved.

Stewart is the worst offensive actor in these movies, but pretty much all but like 4 actors sucked in these movies.

But let's give some credit to the true heros in these movies, who saved them from a 0.

Ashley Greene as Alice,
And Mackenzie Foy as Renesme.

That's sad, a ten year old was a better actress then a full grown woman, sad.

Anyway, both of these actresses play their characters so perfectly, despite the latter being a child, the scenes that she acted in seemed so genuine. Especially meeting the family of the Cullen Family.

Alice was obviously the best character in all of the movies, she looks very similar to how she did in the books, and the actress actually played her well. The way she reacts when coming out of a vision, that pure emotion is near perfection. Shes used to this power, so she doesnt scream, but it's clear that alice gets startled by these often Disturbing visions, even if its only slightly.

Overall, 4/10. Alice keeps it above a three, if she had more screentime it would be a 5

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