Chapter 4: Deception or Ignorance?

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She wasn't counting. That was the current thought in Katherine's head. That she so wasn't counting the fact that it had been a total of ten hours and nineteen minutes since she had last seen Klaus.

Alright, so maybe she was counting. But who could blame her when they lived in a city full of traitors, mainly Klaus' siblings, a jealous vampire with abandonment issues, and a powerful witch coven? The fact that she was actually staying put, with only the occasional pacing to showcase her worry, was really quite impressive. She thought so anyway.

"You're going to make a hole in the floor. And you're making me dizzy. He'll get back when he gets back, he's Klaus." Hayley grumbled with an eye roll as she flipped another page of her magazine. She was currently sitting on one of the living room couches with her legs propped up on the coffee table, trying to read her magazine but evidentially she continued to be distracted by her current friend/ex-friend's obnoxious pacing.

"I'm just saying, it doesn't take ten hours to turn a pack of werewolves. Even if he managed to convince all of the members to turn."

"Well, maybe they're all bonding." Hayley replied clearly with zero concern in her voice. Keeping her gaze on her magazine, she continued. "Once again, you're making a big deal out of nothing."

Katherine could almost feel the sparks of anger that threatened to start a fire in her. "Once again?" She questioned very obviously offended by what she knew Hayley was implying. "Need I remind you that you went to my ex for advice on how to know me better. The very ex who was not only the reason you got kidnapped, but also plotted to make sure Klaus would never meet that child you're carrying. Enlighten me on how exactly that equals nothing."

"That's not what happened and you know it." Hayley set her magazine down with a sigh. "For one, I didn't go to him for advice. I told you he came to check on me to see how the pregnancy was going. I wasn't even going to mention you. He just noticed I was upset. He thought Klaus did something."

"Of course he did." Katherine rolled her eyes. "Because Klaus is always the cause of everyone's misery."

Hayley groaned, getting up from the couch. "Alright. I'm sorry. I know you hate apologies but I don't know what else to say to get you to stop being mad at me. I get Elijah did something awful. I'm not saying I forgave him. But in the end, he does care about his niece or nephew. I'm not going to stop talking to him altogether just because you and Klaus decided to. If he comes around worried about me and the baby, I'm going to let him know how everything is going."

"I'm not...mad at you exactly." Katherine sighed heavily. "I mean I am a little but, I'm more mad at him. I thought he would've apologized by now. Not to me. To Klaus. I thought he would've at least tried to get back in his good graces. But it's like he took Klaus at his word and hasn't even bothered attempting to change his mind."

Hayley bit back a response, knowing whatever hope she had left of repairing her friendship with Katherine would be destroyed if she suddenly started defending Elijah. "Well, maybe he genuinely doesn't think there's anything he can do to earn his forgiveness. Surely he must know he crossed a line right?"

"No that's not it. He just still thinks he's right and he's waiting for Klaus to admit it."

"How do you know? I mean maybe he regrets it and just doesn't know how to express that regret while regaining Klaus' forgiveness. If you haven't noticed, he's not exactly big on second chances."

Katherine rolled her eyes, not wanting to hear anything good she had to say about Elijah. "Okay look, I'll forgive you if you just jump out of the defend Elijah train and never mention him to me again."

Hayley couldn't help but chuckle. "Fine by me. Now can you stop pacing and get me a glass of orange juice? I don't want to stand up."

"As long as you keep in mind I'm not your maid. As long as Klaus is home, getting you food and drinks is his responsibility. He has vampire speed plus it's his spawn growing in there." She heard Hayley chuckle at her comment as she neared the kitchen, causing a small smile to form on her face. She never really had friends until now, and she had to admit it felt amazing to finally be on good terms with her once more.

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