Chapter 7: Miracle or Luck?

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Author's Note: I wanted to apologize for taking so long with this chapter. I was experiencing the worst case of writer's block ever, and on top of all of that I was constantly busy in my personal life so I didn't even have time to want to write 😂 but anyway, a big thanks to everyone who commented asking for an update and who are still sticking with this fan fic despite my random upload schedule. It really means a lot to know you're all enjoying it 😊

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" A hesitant Hayley asked as she picked up two different kinds of cake mix and observed them carefully. "Okay, what's the difference between vanilla and french vanilla?"

"It's a great idea." Katherine assured her waving a hand dismissively. The two were currently in the supermarket, shopping for baking ingredients. "Yeah, you're definitely asking the wrong person." She snorted. "The only thing I know about baking is that cupcakes need those wrapper things...which don't seem to be anywhere in this store." She grumbled continuing to look around.

"You mean liners?"

"Yeah that. Do you see any?"

"No, but please tell me which cake mix to get. French vanilla or vanilla? Or chocolate maybe? What kind of cake do we even get for someone who has probably never eaten a sweet thing in his life?"

Katherine giggled. "Oh trust me, Klaus eats sweets. He might not as of late, but when we first met he had such a sweet tooth." Sometimes she wished she could go back to that time. A time when everything was simpler. Instead, she was here. On a soon-to-be permanent break with him, and shopping for cake mix with her only friend all while she tried to stop thinking about the inevitable fact that she was dying. "As for the cupcake flavor, none of the above. Red velvet is his favorite."

"Isn't red velvet just chocolate?"

"I said that to him once. He glared at me for two whole minutes. I timed it. And I'm pretty sure the only reason he stopped is because I told him I was timing how long his glare was lasting in my head." She chuckled. "But then he went into a very long monologue about the supposed obvious difference between the two anyway."

"Fine." Hayley chuckled a little. "Red velvet it is. If he really feels that strongly about it then I'm hoping it'll play into him actually eating one. I'm pretty sure he goes out of his way to avoid doing anything I ask for. The other day I asked if he could get a TV for the house and he went out and got five new books." She rolled her eyes, picking up the red velvet cake mix. She examined it for a few minutes before tossing it in the shopping basket.

Katherine laughed. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. Klaus is probably the pettiest person I've ever met."

"You don't have to try to convince me of that." Hayley chuckled before finally spotting the cupcake liners and heading in their direction. "Still, regardless of his petty personality, I can't say I see him ever attending or participating in a gender reveal party."

"No my guess is he'd either ignore us or try to run in the opposite direction." She said picking up some silver cupcake liners. "These match well with the red velvet."

"Wait, if you can guess his two possible reactions then why are we doing this?" She asked with a small frown but took the liners from her friend anyway and tossed them in the shopping cart.

"Because. When Klaus was human and hopeful for a family, gender reveals weren't a thing. Now they are, and you're from this time period. You haven't had a chance yet to do your thing for this pregnancy. Klaus already decided the child will be his heir. He took over the nursery. He only lets you read old books so your child can grow with the mental capacity of a Mikaelson." She rolled her eyes.

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