Chapter 6: Truth or Pain?

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Katherine wasn't sure how long she spent pacing and throwing things around her room in anger and frustration. All she knew was that at a certain point she nearly tripped over the mountain of clothes that had seemingly just appeared between her closet and her bed.

She sighed heavily and took a seat on the bed. Her stomach growled, an expected response to the fact that she had only eaten breakfast this morning, and based on the light coming in she could tell it had to be around three in the afternoon. But there was no chance in hell she was going to go downstairs and risk running into Caroline. She would have to get Hayley to bring her food from now on and-

"We need to talk."

Her thoughts were interrupted then by none other than Klaus Mikaelson entering her room without so much as a knock of courtesy.

"No, we don't." She muttered now beginning to pick up her clothes. Anything to avoid looking at him.

"Yes, we do." He sighed, shutting and locking the door.

"No, we don't." She repeated a little harsher this time. "Now go away, I'm busy."

"Creating a tornado with your clothes? Yes, I can see that."

Katherine clenched her fists tightly and angrily threw the shirt she was holding in his direction. She didn't care if he promptly avoided it. She made her point. She was beyond mad at him and didn't want to see him.

"Look, I know me bringing Caroline here might not have been the best course of action-"

"Oh look at that, the great original hybrid has a brain." She rolled her eyes, roughly hanging a pair of pants.

"She isn't staying here." He added as if somehow that would make it all better.

"Yeah, that completely makes up for the fact that you ditched me for ten hours straight, and made me worry out of my mind because you were busy banging malibu barbie! Her staying here would've been the last straw."

Klaus looked indignant as if she had just accused him of the most repulsive and unlikely thing he would ever do. "I did not 'bang' her. In fact, I did not even kiss her. All we did was talk and walk around the city. Did you honestly think I was off sleeping with her whilst I'm with you? Is that how low you think of me?"

He looked hurt. And perhaps if she wasn't hurting so much as well, she might've stopped herself before she said this. But she was hurting. Her heart was entirely broken and not even the knowledge that Klaus didn't sleep with Caroline could fix it.

"Right, my mistake. I should totally think higher of the man who murdered my entire family and had me on the run for five hundred years. You never had mercy or consideration towards me before when I was just an innocent girl who didn't know any better. Why the hell should I expect you to now?" She scoffed and picked up a pile of clothes, carelessly throwing them into her closet. She didn't even care about hanging them up. She knew pretty soon she wouldn't have any use for them anyway.

He slowly turned away from her then and she knew he was trying to hide the pain in his eyes. "Stop it. I know you're jealous and angry, and I am not saying you don't have a right to be, but that is not grounds for doing this. We agreed this would be a new beginning for us both."

Katherine crossed her arms, feeling her pride overpowering the part of her that wanted to apologize. She knew she was out of line. But right now she wasn't focused on that. She was just focused on the fact that he hurt her, so she wanted to hurt him. "I didn't say anything that wasn't true. You're a hypocrite. Mikael chased you all around the world for a thousand years and then you, instead of being a normal person, chose to do the same thing to someone else. Someone like you, who didn't have the power to escape."

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