13. Sick of the slow burn

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Look, I'm not an idiot. I hadn't forgotten that Ty was coming over. I also hadn't intentionally done this so that he would see me in lingerie, or get jealous that someone else was here. Seriously. I honestly expected him later, closer to 9 or 10, not 5:30 in the afternoon. I was planning for Heath to be out of my hair — or, at least, fully clothed — before Ty rocked up.

Yet here he was.

"Who is it, Rob?" Heath called out from the bedroom.

"Nobody," I said, and Ty raised an eyebrow.

"Nobody, huh? That's no way to speak about a business colleague," He said humorously.

"Why are you here? I'm busy," I hissed at him.

He glanced down at my robe, which I pulled tighter to myself. He smirked. "Clearly."

I scowled. At that moment, I heard movement behind me, and when I turned, Heath was coming out the door to the bedroom, half-dressed with his jeans on.

"Can we help you?" He asked, frowning.

Ty smirked at Heath, then looked back at me. "I need to speak to you, Robin. We have business to discuss."

"Can it not be discussed over the phone?" I asked, at the same time that Heath spoke in a confused voice.

"Business? What business?"

"No, it cannot," Ty told me, before looking at Heath. "Apologies, we haven't met. My name is Jack, I'm a colleague of Robin's. And you are?"

I gave Ty a sideways look at the fake name. Heath glanced at me, confused, before looking back at Ty. "Heath. Sorry, I'm confused. Do you work at the grocery store?"

Ty laughed. "No, I don't work at the grocery store. I'm a businessman. Robin's helping me with a new venture."

He said it so confidently, I could almost believe him. Heath seemed to still need some convincing.

"What kind of venture? Why haven't I heard of it? And how did Rob get caught up in this in the first place?"

Ty raised an eyebrow glancing at me before back at Heath. "It's a very new project, and it's under a strict NDA at the moment. I'm sure that's the only reason she hasn't told about it yet, you two seem quite close. As for how Robin got involved, let's just say she was really doing me a favour."

I glared at him. It looked like Heath had more questions, but I cut him off.

"Alright, Jack, if it really can't be discussed later, come in and take a seat in the lounge room. I'll just help Heath out to his car, then we can discuss."

Heath looked very angry at this, flouncing back into the bedroom. Ty smirked at me, then walked past, brushing his hand against the top of my arm as he passed.

I shivered, but didn't bother looking at his reaction, following Heath into the bedroom and shutting the door.

"So that's it, you're kicking me out?" He huffed, the moment the door was shut. "For some sleazy businessman in a suit? How do you even know that guy, Rob? He looks so dodgy."

I scowled. "Oh of course, because we've always been told to judge people over how they look."

"Yeah, sorry to break it to you babe, but when they look like that, you judge, and you run." He shook his head. "I mean seriously Rob, how do you even know that guy?"

I stole his grandmother's jewellery.

"Family friends."

Heath blinked twice. Then, he swore.

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