3. Friends with Benefits

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After I stole from that old lady's house, my guilt was all-consuming.

I couldn't think of anything else. By the time I got home, my stomach was churning with the thought of what I'd done. I dumped the jewellery boxes onto my kitchen counter and grabbed a peanut butter cookie from a clear Tupperware in my cupboard. I bit into it, but all I could taste was regret.

I turned back around and stared at the pile of boxes. With a tentative hand, I picked up the smallest one and flipped it open. Inside were a pair of ruby and gold earrings, that glittered in the dim afternoon light. Staring at it, I bit into the cookie again. I carried the box across to the couch, where I collapsed, feeling as though a blanket of anxiety was slowly tightening around my shoulders, wrapping tighter and tighter until I felt like I was suffocating.

"You're a fucking awful person," I muttered to myself, staring at the earrings, "literally the worst."

I snapped the box shut and put it down on the coffee table, then let out a huge sigh and turned over, shoving my face into a pillow. I stayed there for a while, merely drowning in my criminality, then I felt myself get weary, so I decided to take a nap. Not wanting to suffocate in my sleep, I rolled back over, stared at the ceiling for a few minutes then shut my eyes and dozed off.

What felt like seconds later, I was awoken by the sound of knocking somewhere nearby. In my sleep-addled brain, I couldn't figure out what it meant.

Then I heard a voice.

"Robin! It's Heath, let me in."

Shit. Movie night.

I quickly scrambled off the couch, panicked, and glanced in the mirror, wincing. I looked like the before picture on one of those shitty makeover shows.

"Just a second!" I called out, then rushed to my room were stripped off my work uniform and threw on a dress. Using my fingers as a comb, I redid my hair, then headed towards the door. I was about to open it when I remembered the jewellery. I spun on my heel and legged it to the kitchen, where I pulled open a random utensils drawer and shoved the stolen goods inside.

I made sure it shut, then returned to the door. When I opened it, Heath was wearing a face that said, you just left me waiting awkwardly outside your door for five minutes. I shrugged him off.

"I was working on some stuff and couldn't come to the door, sorry," I said.

He smirked. "You were sleeping, weren't you."

I rolled my eyes. Then, when Heath gave me a pointed look, I gave in. "Fine, I was sleeping. But in my defence, I had a tough day, so I earned it."

He scoffed. "Oh, yeah? What did you do that was so tiring, Robin?"

I faltered at this. I was scared Heath would notice my guilt and ask me what was wrong, but he just pushed past me into the apartment.

"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked as he put his bag down on the counter, right where the stolen jewellery had been minutes before.

I stared at it for a second before pulling myself away and shaking my head.

"No," I said, "I was waiting for you."

He raised an eyebrow. "You mean you were sleeping?"

I shoved his shoulder and laughed. "Come on then. You can order some vegan pizza."

He made a disgusted face. "I'd rather die. How does Chinese sound? You can eat that, right."

"For the most part, yeah," I replied, sitting back down on the couch and pulling my phone out, "But I feel like pizza. It doesn't have to be vegan. Just order your favourite kind but ask for it without cheese."

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